Chapter 3 Meeting the Family

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Yugi looked at his phone. 15 minutes until they would reach the ground. His nerves were just now hitting him as he anxiously waited for the end of the flight, his new friend Schmidt finally rejoining the living world after his vomit incident.

"Yo, Yugi. So it's almost over huh?" He took notice of the males twitching. His amethyst eyes glance over at him a small smile pecking at his lips.
"Mhm. Almost time. Little bit of bunch up nerves." His leg bounced a little to prove a point. The red head reaches over and pats his shoulder. The gesture calms the young male a bit as he relaxes a bit in his seat. Schmidt cracks a stupid grin half of his face raised into the grin, showing off a canine.

"Daijoubu? your doing just fine. I was on my way back home from visiting my grandmother myself. She refuses to move the stubborn old bag. I told her that I could support her and go to school at the same time, but she's refusing."
Yugi looked in awe at this kind young man. He could tell that even tho Schmidt was clearly taller than him that they were the same age.

"O-oh, how old are you?" Schmidt who had looked away for a minute to stare out the window looked back at yugi his dual eye color.
"15, what about you?" Yugi pointed at himself smiling.
"Me too! I-I know I'm kinda short but, I hear most people get taller in high school.." Yugi sweats a little he could see Yami sending him an encouragement gaze which made him smile.

"Oh yea they do. Don't worry you'll catch up!" Schmidt chuckles as the seat belt light came on and the pilot came on to talk about their decent into Tokyo and how the weather was looking there.
"This is it Schmidt your stomach ready for this?" The red head laughs sarcastically his hand on his stomach.

"I think I'll be ok for touch down." Yami just sat casually in between the two males one of them not knowing his presence or existence.


The plane returns to the airport as the stewardess opens the hatch as people slowly rise from their seats to get their luggage out of the overhead bins. Yugi watchs Schmidt get out of his chair and pull out a lavender duffel bag and a computer bag.
"Let's go Yugi." He waved him along as the shorter boy follows him. Now that he was standing Schmidt was probably about 5'5 so a few inches taller than him anyway.

Since Yugi didn't know the way through the airport Schmidt kept a firm hand on the boys arm to lead him through the bustling airport. Lots of the people walking by were either tourist visitors or on business.
The freshman looked all over the airport was a giant compared to the compact one he had back in Domino. His mouth formed in the shape of an o as he looked around. Schmidt spoke up after he finally got them to an escalator.

"So you know what your cousins look like?" Sadly Yugi didn't get that information nor did he think to ask. He shrugs a little.
"That's okay I'm pretty sure if they're smart they'll have a sign with your name on it so you can find them." After getting off the down escalator, they walked through a huge hall and at the very end was the Conveyor belt where the luggage would be dropped, Yugi however almost over looked the trio of blondes standing near the Conveyor belt.

The tallest of them he probably stood about roughly Joey's height if he could guess. He wore a half unbottoned Lime colored shirt his collar kinda desheveled like he was in a hurry to get dressed and forgot to look at himself in the mirror. Going with it was dark grey pressed pants and black flat loafers.

The second one who seemed to be closer to Yugi's age was wearing a turquoise shirt sleeve dress shirt similar to a school uniform, which was tucked into his white pants and brown penny loafers tennis shoes.

The little girl with a head full of long blonde hair was wearing a cute dark purple coat over a orange sundress and her own slip on loafers. He could tell they were talking from the way the second blonde's body expressed itself.

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