Chapter 2 The Flight

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(Story has been copied from my Fanfiction account)

9:40 was his flight to Tokyo. He wasn't aware it was getting close when one of his friends, Bakura decided to wake up and needed to use the bathroom. His phone left him a reminder about the flight. It was 7:35 Yugi had to be at the airport before boarding started.

"Guys get up!" Bakura ran out of the bathroom toilet flushing behind him as he shakes Joey's back. Joey shook his head waking up like a dog, brushing some of it out of his face. He blinks his blue eyes looking at his phone. He jumped to his feet and kicked Tristan in the ass. "Yo Tris! Tristan wake the hell up. Tea, tea we gotta get moving."

Tristan groaned feeing Joey's shoe on his ass. Tea rubbed her face still half asleep but not before Bakura throws a glass of water in her face and hair.
"aahh! What the hell!?" She squeals wiping water off her face. She glared at the white shaggy haired male in the button down blue vest over a white long sleeve shirt, blue pants and sneakers. She threw a throw pillow at him. "What was that for!?"

"Get up woman! Yugi's flight is in 2 hours and you guys just wasted 5 minutes sleeping." Bakura blocked the pillow throwing it back at her as he moved to Yugi who was half and half waking up. "Yugi, yugi. Let's get up now sleepy head." Yugi was the easiest to wake up not being a heavy sleeper or even trying hard to stay asleep.

The tricolored haired male ruffled his hair out as he stood up still wearing his shoes. He was wearing a short sleeve white top his blue pants and sneakers. He looked around briefly before standing and walking to the bathroom to borrow a brush and deodorant from Joey. He didn't want to unpack his suit case this close to going to the air port just in case he misplaced something.

As he walked into the bathroom he looked in the mirror noticing Yami's spirit perched on the back of the toilet seat. He brushed his teeth and got deodorant on as he spoke. "Did you want to say bye to them? There's still time before we have to say bye to them at the check in." The spirit of the puzzle looked up at his Aibou clearly lost in his own head.

"Hmm? Did you say something?"  Yugi stepped away from the mirror to face his dark half. "Is something wrong? Are you worried about going to Tokyo?" The spirit waved his hand disregarding the notion he just said. "No just curious about these cousin's of yours. They sound very genuine to invite you a complete stranger/ family member to live in their house. They are either very wise or incredibly stupid." Yugi rolled his eyes smiling at his friend's worries.

"Just focus on deciding when your gonna say goodbye yourself. They think of you as a friend just as much as I do." That made the spirit smile as Yugi walked out of the bathroom. By then Tristan finally got his ass up off the floor some drool on his face and a sleepy look as well.

Tea smacked Tristan again to get his head focused. "Cmon lazy bones wake up. Your the driver here!" She huffed wearing a yellow tank top lime green shorts and thick boots.
The taller brunette wore his basic school get up except he wore thick brown shoes and wore a black under shirt with his blue blazer jacket. Joey wore the exact same thing wearing a thin white top under his school jacket and blue jeans and his black and white sneakers which he had just pulled on.

"Alright Yug you still have everything set? Ticket in your blazer pocket. I think your student id will work at the check in instead of a license. Anything else before we eat breakfast and head to the air port?" Joey listed stuff for the young freshman. Yugi nodded. "I think that's everything Joey. Let's eat." Bakura had while everything was going on started cooking in Joey's kitchen nook making eggs bacon and toast for a hearty meal.

The group eats chatting away at small things, the group mostly curious about Yugi's cousins wondering what they were like or what they even looked like. Tea mid chew spoke up.
"Yugi you should call them make sure they're gonna meet you at the airport or make sure you have a ride and a address to go to." Yugi's eyes light up in realization as he jumped from his seat and ran to the phone the letter still in his pocket with the phone number on it.

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