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Dean Winchester stretched and rolled over, trying to find a more comfortable position to sleep in. He was just dozing off again when his hunter instincts went on red alert, informing him that something was wrong. He reached, slowly, under his pillow and gripped the gun that he kept under there. Spinning around in his bed, he saw Castiel standing next to the bed, his eyes staring curiously at Dean.

Dean jumped, startled by the unannounced intrusion of his privacy and let his gun fall down to his mattress. Castiel's hair was matted and he looked like he'd been through the meat grinder. But other than that, and the splatter of mud on his tan trench coat, he looked like regular old Castiel; an angel of the Lord or whatever.

"Why did you wake me up, Cas?" Dean sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger.

"It's urgent." Castiel: the man of very few words.

Dean laid back in his bed and sighed. "What is so insanely important that you had to wake me up before the sun rises?"

"Do you remember Jesse?" Castiel asked, ignoring Dean's question.

"No..." Although the name did sound familiar...

"The demon child," Castiel clarified.

"Oh yeah...the kid you tried to kill. Of course I remember him."

"He wasn't just a kid," Cas mumbled.

"Did you find him? Did the demons find him?" Now it was Dean's turn to ignore Cas's question.

"No," Castiel shook his head, sounding almost disappointed. "We didn't find him. But we did find someone like him. I'm assuming you remember how he came to be?"

"It's a little hard to forget..." Dean dragged his hands down his face. He was about to ask Castiel why they were discussing this at three in the morning when Cas said something that made him shoot up in bed.

"Crowley did the exact same thing, about twenty years ago. We found his daughter."

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