Chapter Twenty-five

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Dean struggled to push himself into a sitting position on the most uncomfortable bed in the world. His arm was in a sling across his chest and his whole body was throbbing in pain. The machines next to him beeped radically as the small finger clamp fell off and Dean hurried to put it back on only to shut the thing up. The door opened and Dean looked up to see Castiel entering his hospital room, Sage right behind him.

"Finally," Dean grumbled. "Any chance you can help me out?"

Cas frowned but reached over and pressed two fingers to Dean's forehead. Dean still felt like crap--his muscles ached and his head was pounding--but he was able to yank the blankets off his body and take the sling off his arm. He swung his legs off the bed and looked at Cas. "Where's Sammy?"

"He's in the room next door," Cas said quickly. He jabbed a thumb in Sage's direction. "Is this angel with you?"

Dean looked at Sage, sizing her up. He still was wary of her after years of dealing with douchey angels, but she hadn't bailed after the car wreck so she couldn't be all bad. He grabbed his clothes off the night stand and headed for the bathroom. "Yeah. She was Lauren's old roommate."

He disappeared into the bathroom and tried to piece together what had happened. He remembered arguing with Zoe because she'd lied about being human and Lauren yelling at them and the red semi...But it was all flashes after that. He got dressed as quickly as possible and then exited the bathroom, throwing the hospital gown on the bed. "Let's go get everybody and get the hell outta Dodge."

"Dean," Cas interrupted, "Zoe is still in surgery."

Dean could feel the wall being built around his emotions as Cas spoke. He didn't want to care about her but he couldn't help it. He'd started caring when he'd had to save her from that demon as they were rescuing Meg from Crowley; when he'd stitched up the cut on her arm; when she'd fallen asleep in the passenger seat. But she was a monster and he was a hunter. He decided in that split second that it didn't matter her species, he couldn't very well leave her here.

"Well then we'll have to wait till she gets out so you guys can fix her up." Dean shouldered past the angels and left the hospital room to find Sam.

It was pretty easy to find him because, even down the hall, Dean could hear him arguing with the nurses that he was fine and didn't need to be looked at. When Dean entered the hospital room, Sam was actually arguing with the doctor, trying to keep a cool head while the doctor shined a flashlight in his eyes.

"Sammy," Dean barked and everybody in the room turned to look at him, "just do what the doctor says." He sat in the chair next to Sam's bed and folded his arms. "What's up, Doc?"

The doctor gave him a side long glance. "You really should be resting as well. seem to be looking a lot better since I made my rounds."

Dean shook his head. "Don't worry about me--I heal quickly. What's going on with him?" He asked, nodding in Sam's direction.

"He's got a pretty bad concussion," the doctor told him, scribbling some notes on his clipboard. "He's just gotta get some rest. He'll need to stay here so that we can monitor his recovery."

"I need to make sure Lauren's okay," Sam argued, pulling the clamp on his finger off and discarding it on the bed. 

"Sam," Dean warned, "just do what the doctor says. The more you rest, the faster you'll get better, and the faster we can get outta here." And the faster he stopped fighting, the faster the doctor would leave and the faster Cas could use his angel mojo to fix him in the blink of an eye. 

Sam frowned while a nurse put the thing back on him. "Fine then. You go check on her."

Dean sighed but pushed himself to his feet. "I will go check on Lauren and I'm sure she's just fine." He pointed a finger at Sage and Cas. "Make sure he listens to the man with the medical degree." He left the room and found a middle aged nurse putting some files away. "Sorry, miss, but I'm looking for the room of somebody that recently got in a car accident? She's about yay tall," he held his hand up to demonstrate her height, "and has dark curly hair?"

The nurse nodded and pointed to a room a little ways down the hall. "She should be in there."

Dean smiled and thanked the nurse before heading to the room. He knocked quickly before opening the door. Lauren was  hurriedly wiping tears off her face as she turned to look at him, forcing a weak smile onto her face. Dean's original plan had been to just pop in and out--he still had to kick the doctor out of Sam's room so Cas could fix him up--but she was crying and Dean couldn't convince himself to walk out just yet. So, instead, he made himself as comfortable as one can be on a hospital bed, next to Lauren.

"What's wrong?"

She just shook her head. "It just hurts. I don't the doctors are giving me enough pain meds."

Dean sighed. "Yeah, that was a pretty bad accident. If I ever find that driver, I'm gonna strangle him." A thought came to Dean then and he groaned putting his face in his hands. 


"My baby," he mumbled. "My poor, poor baby."

Lauren raised an eyebrow. "Your car?"

Dean nodded solemnly. "From what I remember, we rolled a couple times. She's totally crushed." He frowned. "I'm gonna kill that guy."

Lauren smiled. "It's okay. Just think: now you can upgrade."

Dean glared at her like that was the stupidest idea of the century and Lauren just laughed. "I'm only kidding, Dean. But don't worry about your car. I'm guessing you can probably get it back and, if you have the cash, you can fix it to the best of your ability. She'll probably never run as well as she used to--"

Dean stood up. "Okay, I got the picture. My car is totaled. You don't have to rub it in." He cleared his throat. "I will be back with an angel in a few. Just sit tight and we'll be right back."

"Dean?" Lauren called before he left. He turned back to look at her. "What about Zoe? Is she okay?"

He looked down at the floor. "Last I heard she was still in surgery but I'll bet she's just fine. Rest for a minute, okay? I'll be right back."

When Dean left the room, he grabbed that nurse he'd talked to before. "Lauren is still in pain. Is there any chance we can up her pain killer dose?"

"I'll see what I can do," she nodded. 

Dean continued back to Sam's room with a heavy heart. 

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