Chapter Five

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Cas fluttered into the alleyway making an alley cat scatter behind the green bin of garbage. Lauren had requested that he go and get some clothes for her. She had been in the same clothes for the last week and had resorted to borrowing Dean's. Sam's were too big.

He made his way out of the alley and around the corner to come to the door of a thrift shop. Once inside, he picked up a couple tee shirts, jeans and a pair of comfortable looking shoes. Of course it was cheap and Cas was able to get them all with the few dollars Lauren had given to him.

Cas didn't have to be back in any amount of time and realized it had been a while since he'd just stopped and 'smelled the roses,' as the humans would say. He stopped at a drug store and picked up a newspaper. He wasn't all that interested in what was going on with the humans but it was something to do.

That's all that Cas had really been doing for the last week. Busy work.

Sam and Dean had told him not to worry about Crowley so he was trying his best to not think about the impending consequences of kidnapping the King of hell's daughter. But he knew all too well that Crowley was not one to sit back and take a blow like that.

He took a seat on a bench and admired the birds pecking at the ground. He hadn't been there five minutes when two demons sat on either side of him, one pressing a blade to his side to keep him in place.

"Castiel," the one on his right growled.

"Hello, Radnar," Cas responded coldly.

"Just here for a nice friendly chat," Radnar explained, pressing the angel blade deeper against Castiel.

"Real friendly," Cas mumbled.

"Just letting you know who's in charge here," the second one said. His voice was higher and he was shorter and rounder than Radnar.

"What is this chat about, Theo?" Cas asked.

"Crowley's little pet," Radnar spat. "He wants her back."

"And he's too much of a coward to come get her himself?" Cas asked.

"No," Theo said. "He just knows that you and your hunter pets won't give her up without a fight so he's willing to make a deal with you."

"What kind of deal?" Cas asked. He knew there was nothing he would give Lauren up for, but that didn't stop him from being curious.

"We're not allowed to divulge any details, Castiel," Radnar said lazily. "But here," he pulled a business card from his coveralls pocket and placed it in Cas's lap. "When you figure it out, call this number."

"Figure it out?" Cas asked. But they were already gone.

He was alone on the bench with the birds pecking at the crumbs on the sidewalk at his feet.

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