Chapter Thirteen

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Of course, I shouldn't have been surprised that there was a gun range in the Bunker. They had everything else so it really should have been expected. Sam took me down stairs to the range while Dean took Zoe to wherever to train her in hand-to-hand combat. I mostly just wanted to go do the hand-to-hand combat stuff. I'd never seen a gun before in my life much less shot one, and I honestly didn't see what good a gun would do against the king of hell.

I fired a shot, wincing at the loud noise, and opened my eyes to see that I barely made the shot onto the edge of the paper target. I frowned and turned around only for Sam to grab the gun in my hand and point it towards the ground.

"Don't point the gun unless you intend on shooting it."

I blushed. "Sorry. Can we be finished now and do the hand-to-hand stuff?"

"We're not done until Dean and Zoe come and take over. Now, did you keep your eyes open that time?"

My frown deepened. "No. It's too...loud, too surprising."

"And that's why you missed." He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me to him, holding me so my body was flush against his. "You have to look where you're shooting or somebody will get hurt. And we don't want that."

I was basically frozen as he grabbed my hands, still holding the gun, and pointed at the target. We were so close and he smelled so good...I shook my head and forced myself to pay attention to what Sam was saying. I couldn't get distracted by anything and certainly not Sam's cologne. 

"You've gotta know your target and you've gotta keep your eyes open so you can actually see the target. Now, where are we aiming?" He pointed the gun in the general direction of the target.

I had to clear my throat before responding. "Uh...the chest."

"Good choice," he whispered, his breath tickling my ear. "Okay, now...breathe. Keep your eyes open."

I forced my breathing to slow and my eyes open. Sam's hands covered mine and he slipped his finger over mine. He only had to press on my finger and the gun would fire. He pulled the trigger and I managed to keep my hands steady and my eyes open. I set the gun down on the little table and turned to smile at him.

"We did it!" I squealed happily. "We hit the target." I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

"Get a room, you two." I jumped away from Sam when Dean's voice interrupted my celebrating.

"We were hugging, Dean," I argued, forcing myself not to get flustered. "It's a thing that friends  do when they're excited."

Dean scoffed. "Friends. Right."

I grabbed my jacket off the floor and tugged it on. "It may come as a surprise to you, but boys and girls can be just friends." I left the room, not wanting a response.

Sam followed closely behind me and I realized that I had no clue where I was going. I slowed my pace enough to be in time with him but I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

Of course I found him attractive. Who wouldn't find a six foot four guy with soft eyes and a cute smile attractive? But he probably only saw me as the annoying little girl he had to babysit all day everyday. Not that I expected or wanted it to go any further than where it was, but a girl can dream.

Sam opened a door for me and I saw we were standing in the doorway of a garage. Someone had rolled out one of those big blue wrestling mats and I wondered for a minute where they got one of those.

I was grateful for it, however, when Sam flipped me over his shoulder and slammed me down on the mat for the fourth time in a row. I sat up, gasping for breath and Sam put a hand on my shoulder, waiting for me to gain my composure.

"And where did you mess up that time?" He asked, pulling his ankles under him so he was sitting cross legged in front of her.

I sighed and blew the hair out of my face. I'd pulled it back to keep it out of the way but my hair elastic was no match for Sam Winchester. "Uh...I paused for too long?"

Sam mimicked the sound of a buzzer. "Nope. You actually did really well with that this time around. What else?"

"Well..." I thought back to what Sam had told me to do and what I'd actually done. "I gave you an opening. I stepped in too close and that gave you the chance to flip me."

He grinned and stood up, holding a hand out to me. "Great. Now let's go again."

I glared at his hand for a minute before grabbing it and allowing him to pull me to my feet.

We circled each other silently for a moment. I knew he would attack first, he always did, but I guess it was how you were supposed to do things. Finally, he threw a punch at my face, one that I ducked. I felt the adrenaline start to pump through me and got ready to be totally pummeled again.

But something was different about this time--this time I seemed to know where and when he would attack and exactly how to defend myself. I managed to get inside his reach without getting judo flipped. I stepped between his legs and grabbed his arm. Before I could think, I was flipping him onto his back.

My brain caught up with my body then and I realized I was flipping a dude twice my size. This was a mistake because gravity pulled me off balance and down on top of him. I quickly rolled off of him and onto my knees. "I am so sorry. Are you okay?"

He sat up, coughing and laughing, and shook his head. "Don't apologize; I've definitely had worse." He cleared his throat and looked at me. "Seriously, that was awesome. How'd you do it? No offense, but I'm twice your size and you don't seem that strong."

I shook my head. "None taken. It just kind of...happened. It felt like, I dunno, subconscious? Muscle memory?" I got to my feet, ready for another go that I would probably suck at...again. I held my hand out to him. "It's your turn to flip me."

He smiled and, before I could react, kicked my feet out from under me.

I cried out as I fell down and he caught me, flipping me onto my back and pinning my arms at my sides. I wriggled under his grasp to no avail.

"Seriously, Sam? I--"

Sam pressed his lips to mine then, cutting me off mid sentence. He pulled away. "Always make sure the enemy is down before you walk away."

"You were down," I argued. My voice had definitely gone up an octave and I was pretty breathless.

Somebody else cleared their throat loudly. I looked over to see Dean standing in the door way. "Come on, lovebirds. We've gotta get some grub before calling Crowley."

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