Chapter Nineteen

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It turned out that there wasn't a bowling alley in Lebanon. But there was one--a place called Strikers--in a town called Downs, just thirty minutes from Lebanon.

We walked inside, the only people there at ten in the morning on a weekday. The guy at the desk greeted us by grunting and nodding in our direction. He was a big guy (horizontally and vertically), with a full, tangled, brown beard, and dark, deep set  eyes. His name tag read 'Randy.' "What can I do for you guys?" He asked, his deep voice making his chest rumble.

Dean approached the counter. "Uh...we want to bowl."

The man actually smiled a little. "I guessed that, believe it or not."

I smiled and stepped up to the counter next to Dean, speaking before Dean replied. "Size ten please."

The guy put some shoes on the desk and I smiled at him before taking them and walking to the first lane in the alley. I listened as the rest of them got their shoes and then walked over to where I sat.

"You weren't kidding when you said you'd never been bowling," I said as Dean found a seat across from me.

"No, I haven't."

"I've been once," Sam said as he tugged his shoes on. "In the sixth grade, we went on a field trip."

"So why didn't Dean?" Zoe asked.

"We didn't go to the same sixth grade class," Dean said. "Our dad...he, uh, he took us on hunting trips so we never stuck around long enough to go to the same school for more than a few months."

"Hunting trips?" I asked, picking up a ball and stepping up to the lane.

"Our dad hunted monsters--ghosts, wendigos, vamps, those kinds of things--all over the country. We were only in school for months at a time before transferring to a new school in a new town in a new state."

"Is that why you guys know all of that monster stuff?" I asked, picking up the ball for the second time.

"Yup," Dean said, grabbing his own ball and going up to the lane after me. "Learned it all from our old man."

I sat down in the seat next to Sam and put my elbows down on my knees, laying my chin in my hands. We continued bowling while Zoe and I asked a lot of questions about hunting and Sam and Dean's past.

We had one round left when the bell by the door dinged and I turned to see my old roommate, Sage.

I was immediately on my feet, my jaw on the floor. "Sage?"

She grinned and strolled over to where we sat, her long ponytail swishing against her back. She was wearing the regular jeans and t-shirt she always wore, a big grin on her face.

"Who is this?" Sam asked, getting to his feet next to me, his hand in his jacket, most likely gripping the handle of a knife or gun.

"Calm down, Sammy," I said, raising my hand. "It's my roommate, Sage. did you get here?"

Sage sat down in one of the last available plastic chairs and pulled a packet of sour punch straws out of her boot. "I guess it's about time I told you I'm an angel." I continued to stare at her in shock. "Since you're with the Winchesters, I'm guessing you know all about angels."

"But...but, you're a..." I'd lived with Sage for three months and had never guessed she was anything other than an ordinary girl, attending an ordinary college, and working an ordinary job. I guess back then, I never would have had reason to assume anything different.

Dean scoffed. "An angel. Yeah right."

Sage shot him a glare. "And what would you know about it? I'm pretty positive I'd know my own species."

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