Chapter Seven

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When Dean and I got back to the Bunker, Sam and Cas were in the middle of a serious discussion.

"They made it sound like I was just supposed to figure it out," Cas was saying, using his hands for emphasis. "Like it was just supposed to fall into my lap. I'm not just going to sit around and wait it out."

"Cas," Sam said calmly still looking down at the book he was reading, "there's not really anything we can do but wait. So just calm down. I don't see another option here, do you?"

"We could summon him," Cas suggested.

"Summon him here?" Dean piped up, the girl we hit still in his arms. "That's a bad idea. We're trying to keep Lauren safe, not summon her demonic daddy to the only place she's actually safe. Besides, can you even summon a demon into the Bunker?" He disappeared down the hallway.

"Not here," Cas insisted. " We'd go somewhere else."

"Let's just wait," Sam suggested. He finally glanced up when Dean came back in the room. "What'd you do, Dean? Bang her too hard?"

I snorted but Dean just glared at him. "No. I hit her with my car."

"Because that's better," I mumbled becoming suddenly interested in a stray string on my jacket.

"Cas," Dean said, ignoring me, "can you fix her up? We need to get her back to wherever as quickly as possible before she thinks we kidnapped her. I do not need a longer police record."

I opened my mouth to ask what he'd done to get a record and to make a smart comment about the fact that they'd already kidnapped me so what harm could it do, really? But Dean was still trying to get Cas's attention.

"Cas," Dean said. He cleared his throat. "Earth to Cas."

Cas finally looked at Dean. "Sorry, what? I wasn't listening."

"I noticed," Dean muttered. He sighed. "Can you heal the blonde lady that I hit with my car? She's on the bed in the room around the corner."

Cas still seemed distracted but he nodded and disappeared. When he didn't come back I assumed he went off to wherever he went when he wasn't here.

"He seems pretty shaken up by whatever was going on," I stated obviously as I sat in a chair at the table.

"He just ran into some demons earlier," Sam replied as if that was totally normal: meeting demons and all. "Nothing to worry about." But his body was tense as if he was worried, too. 

I decided to go for a subject change. "When is she gonna wake up, do you think?"

"Who knows," Dean shrugged, sitting down now as well. "Cas can heal her but she still needs time to heal mentally, just give her some time. But while we wait, let's eat. Lauren, will you do the honors?"

I sighed and thought for a second. Poof. Burgers and fries appeared on the table for us to eat. It seemed to get a lot easier the more often I did it. I guess practice really does make perfect.

Dean looked from the food to me and back again. "That is still so cool."

It was pretty much silent until Dean ate the last French fry and Sam decided to talk.

"Okay, Lauren, go get some sleep. You must be exhausted."

"I'm fine," I told him. Besides, it was barely nine o'clock. There was no way I was getting any sleep tonight. 

"You've been poofing things all day and we've still got stuff to do tomorrow," he insisted. "Go get some rest so you'll actually be able to function tomorrow."

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