Chapter Twelve

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I thought my plan was the best idea since sliced bread. Sam was only interested in the science behind the whole thing. He kept asking how I did it and if I felt woozy or light headed or anything. I had to keep telling him I was absolutely fine and that all I had to do was picture it in my head and it came true.

Zoe laughed at the whole story, agreeing with me that it was pretty clever, which made me feel a little better. At least somebody appreciated my brilliant mind.

Cas was the one making me feel like an outsider. He kept looking at me like I was a time bomb that could go off any minute and it made me uncomfortable.

"Okay, so what's our next move?" I asked, eager for a change in subject and a good idea to save the poor girl being tormented because of me.

"Our next move?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. You guys aren't gonna let me just hand myself over to Crowley so what are we gonna do?" I took a bite of Zoe's sandwich. "I'm not going to just sit back an do nothing."

"Nothing," Dean said. "We aren't going to do a single thing."

I raised an eyebrow. "We're just gonna leave Meg with Crowley?"

Nobody answered my very important question.

I glanced at Cas. He was looking around the room, not making eye contact with anybody. "That's not an option," I stated. I hated thinking about what was happening to this girl and I hated even more that it was hurting Castiel this much. Sure, we didn't know each other all that well and it was like we'd just barely met, but I hated to see people hurting. "Shouldn't I have a say in all this? I mean, I am the reason all of this is even happening. I wanna fix this--we should fix this."

"And that all sounds great," Dean said. "but what do you suppose we do?"

I bit my lip. I hadn't thought this far ahead. "I don't know. But you guys aren't dumb. I'm sure if we all think hard enough, we'll come up with something."

"Even if we did come up with a plan, you wouldn't be involved," Sam stated, matter-of-factly. 

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because, we can't have you practically gift wrapping yourself for Crowley."

"I won't be gift wrapping myself for him," I argued.

"Throwing yourself at him is gift wrapping him," Sam countered. "You might as well just call him back now and tell him you're willing to meet him somewhere."

"And so what if I did?" I asked. "He is, technically, my father."

Sam scoffed. "Bull. He's a demon, Lauren. Who knows what torture he has in mind."

"Well according to your so wonderful trap you guys set up in my room, I'm a demon too."

"That is not the same thing," Dean said, raising a finger.

"That what you guys said," I cried, my frustration coming to a tipping point. "I either am a demon or I'm not. I can't exactly be both."

"But you are," Sam said, laying his hands, palm up, on the table. "It just is what it is and you happen to be both. It sucks and it's nobody's good time, but it is. And I know you wish it was different--"

"Who says? I don't even know what being part demon entails. I can't exactly hate it when I've only known about it for two weeks."

"Look, Lauren," Sam sighed, "we really just need to focus on tuning your abilities. We know you can pull objects out of thin air and you can make things levitate, but there's probably a whole lot more we haven't discovered yet. So, can we please just focus on one thing at a time?"

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