Chapter Twenty-one

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Sage's ears were ringing and she blinked hard as she slowly but surely woke up. The room was so white, she panicked for a minute, thinking she was in Heaven. She couldn't ever go back there... 

Her fears were quenched when a bald head appeared in front of her, blue eyes blinking behind circular glasses. "You're awake." 

Sage stared at him. Yes, she was awake. Obviously. She sat up slowly, and the ringing got worse for a minute before quieting down. The bald man from before put a hand on her shoulder. "Take it slow. Can you tell me your name?"

She blinked and looked around the room at the ugly green chair in the corner and the large window allowing sunlight to spill into the already blinding room. There was a nurse in purple scrubs changing the IV drip hanging next to her.

"Miss?" The doctor insisted. "Can you tell me your name?" 

She looked at him. "Sage. Where are my friends?" 

The doctor smiled. "No need to worry about them. You just need to work on getting yourself better. Now, do you know your last name? Where you're from?"

Sage stared at him. She didn't have time for this. She needed to find her friends and make sure they were okay. She moved to get out of bed and the doctor pressed against her shoulder, trying to keep her in the bed.

"You really should rest. You sustained quite a few injuries and need to stay here so we can monitor you, make sure you heal properly."

Sage glanced down at the name tag on the doctor's white coat. "Doctor Larson, I am an angel of the Lord. I need to find my friends so I can heal them faster than they can heal themselves."

The doctor looked at her liked maybe he should have checked for a concussion and Sage sighed. She decided this was wasting what precious little time she had and pushed the doctor away before getting out of the bed.

The doctor panicked, yelling something at the nurse about getting a sedative. But Sage ignored them and pulled the IV out of her arm. It bled for a second but Sage passed her hand over it and the injury disappeared. Using her angel senses, she searched the hospital, looking for her friends. From what she could tell, Zoe was still in surgery and Lauren, Sam, and Dean were all laying in beds in different rooms down the hallway.

The nurse came at her with a syringe and Sage disappeared. Of course, it only looked like she'd disappeared to the nurse's mortal eyes. In reality, Sage had spread her wings and flown from the room, down the hallway, and into Lauren's room.

The machine next to Lauren was beeping loudly, monitoring her heart rate and oxygen levels. Liquids dripped into her through her own IV and she almost looked asleep except for the cuts on her forehead and the cast on her ankle. Sage knew there were other things wrong with her--bruises and cuts over her skin.

Sage sank into the hideous chair next to Lauren's bed and sighed, exhausted from just that small flight. Of course angels healed faster and better than humans did, but they still got injured. The car wreck had taken quite a toll on Sage. The only plus side for her was that she would get better faster.

She felt guilty for what had happened. No, she hadn't made the semi truck driver fall asleep at the wheel and swerve into their lane. But she was an angel. That should have counted for something. And when Zoe and Dean were yelling at each other, she'd only shut them out, ignoring their fight and thinking about the Civil War.

Sage had never liked conflict if any kind (one of the many reasons she'd left Heaven do many years ago) so she had tried to tune them out and, because of her stupidity, they were now stuck in a hospital.

Sage looked up at Lauren again. She felt like she might have some strength enough to fix Lauren at least a little. She pushed herself to her feet and stumbled over to the bed. Laying her palm against Lauren's forehead, she found enough strength and concentration to heal Lauren's physical wounds.

In no time at all, the scratches on Lauren's skin disappeared and her blood pressure increased to a safer number. It took plenty of energy out of Sage and she sat on the edge of the bed, exhausted. Blood dripped down on Sage's hand and she reached up to wipe her nose. Of course it was bleeding. She'd pushed herself too far.

She was about to make her way back to her chair when she sensed another angel in the hospital. She panicked. She didn't want to leave Lauren but she couldn't get caught. If she was sent back to Heaven, they'd lock her up for good.

She did the only thing she could think of: disappear. She didn't leave the building or even the room, but she made herself invisible.

And just in time, too. As soon as she became invisible, an angel came into the room. She didn't recognize him and assumed she'd never met him before. His vessel had dark hair, blue eyes, and was dressed in a trench coat. Sage watched as he looked at Lauren with a confused look on his face. He pressed his own palm to her forehead and, after realizing that somebody had already healed her, he proceeded to look around the room before leaving.

Sage sighed and became visible again only for the angel to run back in the room, angel blade at the ready.

"Who are you?" He demanded angrily.                          

Sage held up her hands in surrender. "I'm a friend. I swear I am. I was in the wreck with them. My name's Sage. I'm an angel."

"I see that," he said, stepping further in the room and closing the door behind him. "Why are you in Lauren's room? What do you want?"

"I swear, I don't want anything. I was Lauren's roommate and when she disappeared, I looked for her. I finally found her and the Winchesters at a bowling alley. We got in a wreck on our way to lunch. A semi swerved into our lane and Dean tried to get us out but he ended up flipping the car. They're all really hurt and I tried healing Lauren but I'm pretty weak from the wreck."

He looked at her suspiciously but lowered his angel blade. "What's your name? I know you're an angel but we've never met before. At least...not that I remember."

"I don't remember you either. I am Sage. Who are you?"

"Castiel," he answered. "Dean is in his room. Come with me and we can talk to Dean together."

"You don't trust me?"

Castiel sized her up before opening the door. "I have no reason to."

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