Chapter Twenty

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"What are you?" Randy demanded. "Werewolf? Djinn?"

Dean stepped in front of her, his hands raised. "Let's just calm down. She's just a girl. Her name's Zoe. She's not a monster." He looked over he shoulder at Zoe. "Go on, tell him, Zoe."

"Dean," Sam started. He was looking at Zoe with a curious look on his face. "Dean, we never tested her."

Dean looked at Sam and then turned completely. "Zoe..."

Her eyes were filling with tears and she was clutching her burned hand to her body. "Dean, I didn't want to tell you. You'd think I was a freak, a monster."

"That's a monster you're protecting, boy," Randy spoke. "She's not human."

"I'm not a monster," Zoe said defiantly. "I'm just...different. I'd never hurt anybody, I swear. I've only ever acted in self defense." Her expression changed from one of hurt to one of desperation. "Come on, Dean. We're friends. I'd never do anything to hurt anybody."

Dean continued to stare at her and I wondered what was going to happen. I wanted to do something, but I didn't know how to help. Finally, Dean looked back at Randy. "Put the gun away. We'll take care of it." Randy looked at Dean like this was the stupidest idea he'd ever heard, but he finally lowered his gun. Dean grabbed Zoe's arm and pushed the door open with his other hand, pulling her outside with him. We all hurried out after them.

Dean opened the door and Zoe ducked inside, Dean slamming the door closed after her.

"Dean," Sam said, "it's not her fault. If I was in her shoes, I'd probably do the same thing."

"Yeah? And I'd be just as pissed at you." Dean walked around the car and got in the driver's seat, starting the engine. We had nothing else to do except follow and get in the car ourselves. 

Zoe was sitting in the back, her arms folded across her chest, and a pissed look on her face. She was glaring at the back of Sam's head as he got in the car. Dean peeled out of the parking lot as soon as Sage closed the door behind her and started speeding down the street. 

I couldn't bear the awkward silence as we sat there, the elephant in the car growing bigger by the second. Eventually, I had to speak up. "You guys can't go on being mad at each other forever."

"Watch me," Zoe muttered. 

"Come on, guys," I insisted. "You have no reason to be mad at each other."

"She lied to us," Dean cried. I didn't know if that was exactly true. She'd never said she was anything: human or monster.

"You never asked," Zoe insisted. "It's not a lie because you never asked."

"Oh don't try to pin this on us. You knew who we were--what we were. You could have told us anytime." Knowing the Winchesters, I didn't imagine that they would have reacted all that well finding out that there was a monster living in their oh-so-precious bunker.

"So you could shoot first and ask questions later?" Zoe scoffed. "Yeah right. I'd rather keep breathing for a little bit longer."

"You still haven't told us what you are," Dean insisted. I wondered, for a split second, why he cared so much that he told her. 

"Like you said: I know who you are. You wouldn't give me two seconds to explain."

"Explain what?" Dean practically shouted. "How you're really a monster and you're so sorry you  didn't tell us earlier? Monsters lie. How should I expect anything less from you?" That was low. Zoe had never told us a lie before (not really) and automatically assuming she was a liar only because she wasn't human was a little rude. 

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