Chapter Ten

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As soon as Crowley hung up the phone, Cas disappeared.

"Uh, where'd Trench Coat Guy go?" Zoe asked, pointing over at the place where Cas had been standing.

"Castiel's an angel," I shrugged. "He could be anywhere. Russia. Bahamas. Your bedroom."

"Demons. Angels." Zoe shrugged. "Why not?" She sighed and pushed herself out of her chair. "I've had enough brown acid for one day, wake me when everything's gone back to normal." She walked out of the war room and down the hallway. I started to go after her but Sam grabbed my arm.

"Just let her go. She needs time to think."

"Maybe she'll leave," Dean added.

"Maybe she'll leave," I mocked back. "Did you even show her the front door?"

Dean made a face at me and then we sat in silence.

"I can't believe Crowley brought Meg back," Sam said, leaning back in his chair and running his hands through his hair. "I mean...why not Dad or Mom?"

"He's gotta break Cas," Dean explained. "He knows Cas'll convince us it's not worth it if it was anybody else. So he's gotta hit Cas hard enough to get him to break down and want to turn Lauren over."

I groaned and massaged my temples. "I'm taking a page out of Zoe's book. I'll be in my room." I left the table, hearing Sam and Dean's hushed voices behind me as I walked down the hallway and to my bedroom.

I was surprised to see I was not alone. Cas was sitting on the edge of my bed, looking at the photograph of my parents that I always kept in my wallet. He seemed caught up on his own thoughts.

"Cas?" I started cautiously. If it was anybody else, I'd probably be worried that they were in my bedroom. But Cas was a giant, winged puppy. He'd never hurt anything.

He looked up at me and I saw that his blue eyes were full of sorrow, a single tear finding it's way down his cheek.

I sighed and sat on the bed next to him. "Cas..."

"Have you ever...known what the right thing to do was, but wanted to do the complete opposite?" He handed me my wallet, never leaving my gaze.

I smiled sadly at him. "I'm human. That pretty much sums up my whole life. Sometimes I even do the opposite and...well, that's not always a bad thing."

I looked over at him and couldn't help but feel this tightening in my stomach. I knew this was all my fault. I should've listened to Crowley earlier and then I wouldn't have been able to hurt them. Why did they have to suffer on my behalf? It was stupid and unfair.

"She really cared about you, ya know," I told him. Even though I wanted to punch a wall and curse at the sky, I settled with trying to make Cas feel better. And, from what I saw in my dream, I was saying the truth.

He looked over at me, unresponsive.

"You changed her for the better." I was really just winging it--saying whatever I could to make him feel better--based on what little information I had about their relationship.

"How do you know that?" He cocked his head to the side, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Crowley," I said hesitantly. "He showed me all these memories of you and her in my dream. I'm really sorry."

"It's my fault she's dead," he cried, his face falling in his hands.

"What do you mean?" Now I was confused. I thought it was Crowley who had killed her.

Castiel sighed. "At the time, I was being controlled by heaven. I could've stopped Crowley killing Meg but I was too busy beating up Dean for the angel tablet."

"What do you mean 'you were being controlled?'" I inquired. I had no clue what he was talking about and I figured that question would be the easiest to answer.

"It's a really long story but, basically, I couldn't think for myself. I mean, I could sometimes. But when Naomi told me what to do I pretty much had to do it. And if I hadn't been inside, attempting to kill my best friend, I could've stopped Crowley from killing Meg."

"Well, if you were being controlled...there's not really anything you could've done." I paused. "I doubt she holds it against you." It sounded to me like these guys had seen some pretty bad days.

Cas didn't respond. We just sat, side by side, for a few moments. Finally, Cas grabbed my hands and looked me straight in the eyes. "Thank you, Lauren."

He disappeared without another word.

I looked around the room for a minute before deciding to go take a shower.

I was walking back into my bedroom so I could grab my brush when I was stopped short by an invisible wall. "What the..." I pushed against it but it didn't budge. I followed it until it formed a complete circle maybe five feet wide.

"Sam!" I hollered. "Dean!" I heard some hushed whispers and then Sam stumbled into my doorway as though he'd been pushed.

"Devil's trap," he said, catching his breath. He pointed to the ceiling and I looked up to see red spray paint in the shape of a star with a circle around it and some squiggly lines. "You can't get out--it's a demon thing."

"I'm not a demon," I growled.

"You're part demon," he countered. "We weren't even sure it would work. Now we know."

"Great, your curiosity has been quenched. Now let me out."

"You seem like the kind of person to race off and hand yourself over to save someone else."

"Uh, I'm no where near that kind of person. I'm way too wimpy to be that person."

Sam glanced behind him and then looked back at me. "It's just a precaution. Don't take it personally or anything." He turned and started to walk away.

"Oh I'm taking it personally," I yelled after him.

He ignored me and kept walking away.

I stomped my foot. "You can't keep me in here forever!" I hollered.

He turned around and held up his hands. "It could be worse. Oh, and Zoe still hasn't left."

"Maybe if you let me out, I could go talk to her," I suggested innocently.

He smiled. "Yeah...not happening."

I glared at him. "I hate you."

He shrugged and disappeared down the hallway.

I groaned and sat on the floor. It looked like I was just going to have to wait this out. "Boys," I grumbled and folded my arms. They are such idiots sometimes.

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