Chapter Six

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"Please, Dean?" I begged. "I've only ridden in her once." I had been trying to convince him to let me come along for a drive in his car for the last ten minutes.

"You need to stay here and do your thing. I'm just going for a drive," he said, grabbing his keys and shoving them in his jeans pocket. "She has to be driven or she'll get lonely."

I sighed. "I wasn't going to bring this up but...I gave you a burger."

"And it was delicious," he nodded. "So thanks. Sammy'll be out of the shower in a second and then you guys can levitate bottles and make babies."

I was taken aback and probably turned the color of a very ripe tomato. "What?" I managed to choke out.

"You know. Poof. Baby." He said this as casually as if he'd just said 'go make yourself a sandwich.'

I folded my arms and glared at him. "Take me with you."


"I have been holed up here for a week. Yes."

"Still no."

I frowned. "Why not?"

"Honestly?" Dean sighed when I nodded. "Because Sam would beat me up if anything happened to you and I'm a teensy bit scared of my little brother."

I couldn't help the smile that crept onto my face. "Seriously? Well, lucky for you Sam's not in charge just as much as you aren't. So if I wanna go, I get to go."

"Not if I say no. She's my car and we need some alone time." He started walking out and I ran to catch up to him, grabbing his arm in an attempt to get him to listen to me.

"Please, Dean? You can have all the 'alone time' you want when I'm gone. But I need fresh air and sunlight."

He stopped walking and looked down at me practically hanging on his arm. "Fine, but you better go tell Sam where we're going." He pointed down the hall towards the showers.

"Promise you won't leave without me?" I asked.

He sighed. "Promise."

I skipped down the hallway and into the showers. "Hey, Sammy, we're going for a drive."

He popped his head around the shower curtain, shampoo bubbles still in his hair. "Both of you?"

I smiled at him. "Both of us."

He grinned back at me. "Drive safe."

"Will do." I ran out and traced my steps back down the hallway where Dean was waiting to lead me to the garage. I hurried to the impala and climbed in the passenger seat. He began driving and I rolled down the window to let the wind whip my hair away from my face.

"So where are we going exactly?" I asked after a few minutes.

"I have to fill her up and then I was just going to drive aimlessly for little bit. Nothing too exciting," he said, as if hoping that this would make me change my mind about wanting to come.

"Awesome," I sighed happily. I was so happy to be outside again with the fresh air and the blue sky. I hadn't been out in a week and it was killing me slowly.

Dean drove to a tiny gas station on the edge of town and I found out that we were in Lebanon, Kansas--a little less than an hour from home. He filled the tank but didn't want to drive around town so he headed outside of town; where all the empty, abandoned roads were.

He pushed a tape into the tape player--yes his car was that old--and AC/DC blared through the speakers. I listened to AC/DC on a regular basis and became ten times more comfortable when he started yelling out the lyrics.

We were halfway through Thunderstruck when a colorful object shot out of nowhere and Dean slammed on the brakes. But not before we hit that object with a thud.

Dean muttered curses, killing the engine and pushing the door open.

"What was that?" I asked, also opening my door to get out.

"Stay in the car," Dean told me as he made his way around the car to see what animal he'd just killed.

I ignored him and got out of the car also making my way around the car to asses the damage.

"What don't you understand about 'stay in the car'?" Dean demanded.

I thought for a second. "All of it." That was when I saw not what but who Dean had hit.

She looked about my age with short blonde hair. She was wearing patterned parachute pants and a red tee shirt. A small puddle of blood was forming on the pavement around her head and I was pretty sure her leg wasn't supposed to bend that way.

"Baby?" Dean said. "Baby, are you okay?"

"Do you know her?" I asked, confused.

"What? No." He proceeded to look at the imaginary damage done to the front of his car.

I folded my arms across my chest and rolled my eyes. "You hit somebody with your car. Can you worry about the human being for a minute?"

"Am I not allowed to make sure my car is alright?" Dean demanded, still busy staring at the front bumper.

I glanced at the fender. "Your car is absolutely fine. It's also a car so it's not going to bleed out. Priorities, Dean."

"Just because you hate my car--" He grumbled.

"I do not hate--" I shook my head, not wanting to have this discussion right now. "Let's just get this girl to safety, okay?"

Dean looked at the blood and then back at me. "I don't want her to bleed in my car..."

"You have leather seats. Besides, you and Sam have probably bled in that car more times than you have fingers and toes."

"Fine." Dean struggled to get his arms underneath her limp body. "Why is it so hard when they're unconscious?" He laid her in the back seat with few smacks between her head and the car door. "Let's get her to Cas and get her fixed up."

I nodded, not knowing what Cas could do exactly. But he was an angel so he should have some healing power, right? I climbed in the car and Dean drove us back to the Bunker.

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