Chapter Seventeen

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"Lauren," someone was gripping my shoulders tightly but I couldn't force my eyes open. I was too terrified of what they would see. "Lauren, it's just me." It was then that I recognized the voice as not British and, therefore, not Crowley.

I opened my eyes and saw Castiel staring at me, a frown on his face and his blue eyes full of concern. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding, and wrapped my arms around Cas's neck and hugging him tightly to me. "Come a little earlier next time," I muttered into his shoulder.

He finally patted my back awkwardly before quickly pulling away. "You're welcome." He cocked his head to the side. "You're crying."

I sat back and sniffed, wiping at my face. I had been crying which was shocking. I hadn't thought I was crying. I rubbed at my face with the back of my hand and then wiped the tears off on my jeans. "Sorry, Cas. As far as I was aware Crowley had me." I sank back into the chair I was sitting in and ran my hands through my hair. "Thanks," I sighed.

"I already said you're welcome."

I grinned. "I know. I just never said thank you." I looked around the bunker and sighed. "How long has it been since we left?"

"About thirty seconds."

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? That's pretty cool. When d'you think we'll hear from them?" I tried to just ask like a normal person, but I was seriously worried about them--back with all the demons. I didn't want anybody else getting hurt.

Cas shrugged, but he looked just as worried as I felt. "It could be hours, even days."

I frowned but nodded. Of course I wanted to know as soon as humanly possible that everyone was okay, but they had to do what they had to do.

The next hour was probably the longest hour of my life. I paced back and forth in the Bunker, not able to think about anything else but how they were doing; if they were okay.

Finally, after an hour and a half of waiting, pacing, and stressing over three people I'd met only a few weeks ago and a random girl I'd never met before, my cell phone rang.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and answered it eagerly. "Hello?"

"Lauren, you're okay." Sam's voice came across the speaker.

I sighed happily, a smile coming across my face. "Sam."

"Yeah we're..." he paused and winced. "Ow, sorry. I had to adjust my position in the car doesn't matter. Anyway, we're on our way back and we should be there in...oh, I dunno. Two hours, Dean? Yeah, two hours."

"And everyone's okay?"

"Uh...yeah. We all made it out alive."

"You're okay? Not hurt too badly?"

"I'll be fine. But I gotta go, we're stopping for some things--medicine, bandages, those kinds of things. I'll call you when we're close."

"Okay," I said, trying to stay up beat. But I was sad the conversation had been so short. "Drive safe."

"We will. Be there soon."

I hung up and tucked my phone away. "They're okay."

Cas looked up from the book he was reading and nodded in my direction. "They got Meg out okay?"

"Yeah, everybody's okay." I was finally relaxed and now...well, now I was bored. I guess I could've paced some more, worried some more, stressed some more, but I was hungry. I hadn't eaten since before we left earlier this afternoon and I was starving. "Hey, I'm gonna go make myself something to eat. Did you want anything?"

Cas shook his head. "I don't eat."

"Okay..." I made my way down the hallway and to the kitchen where I pulled out a box of Captain Crunch from the cupboard and poured myself a bowl. I sat at the table, mindlessly eating my bowl of cereal and waiting for the call saying that they were back.

I finished my cereal but continued to swirl my spoon around the empty bowl. It only took a few more minutes of boredom for me to fall asleep on the table.

"Lauren...Lauren, wake up."

I groaned and pulled my face off of the table. Running my hands down my face and rubbing my eyes to get the sleep out. I looked around, blinking until my eyes fell on Sam. He had a cut over his eyebrow and his cheek was bruised. But he was alive. Unless this was a dream...

"Is this a dream?" I asked, still groggy from my temporary nap.

He smiled and chuckled. "No, not a dream. We're back. You should get to bed." He grabbed my hands and helped me to my feet. I stumbled, my legs like noodles from the previous days training, and Sam kept his hands on my arms to keep me upright. He led me down the hallway and to my bedroom where he pulled the blankets on my bed back, helping me crawl inside.

"I'm so glad you guys are okay," I mumbled as I laid down in bed. I sounded like I was high but I was speaking the truth. If anybody had been hurt in this whole mess I'd be a wreck.

Sam patted my head gently. "Yeah, everyone's okay. Go to sleep, now, Lauren. You need it. We'll wake you in the morning." His hand trailed over my shoulder and along my arm.

When it reached my wrist I grabbed his fingers in my hand. "Stay? At least until I fall asleep. Please?" I looked over my shoulder to look at him, begging with my eyes for him not to leave.

Sam looked at me for a minute before sighing. "Scoot." He pulled the blankets back and tapped my shoulder, signifying me to move over. There wasn't much room for me to scoot but I moved to the very edge of the bed and turned over onto my other side to face Sam.

"Thanks for sticking around," I mumbled as I nuzzled into his shirt. He smelled good and I could hear his heart beating. I closed my eyes and sighed deeply.

"Yeah. I'll always stick around."

He started running his fingers through my hair and I fell asleep listening to his heart beat.

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