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Allison slowly opened her eyes, squinting at the beam of light that shone in through the bedroom window. She let out a yawn and rolled over to face the other direction, pulling the flannel blanket over her head in the process. 

As she faced the bedroom door, the smell of french toast invaded her nostrils and she sniffed the air, her stomach growling in anticipation. Despite the sudden hunger that she was feeling, the warmth of her bed kept her in place. While she laid there, her mind began to wander until her thoughts were no longer her own, but Elevens.

Sheet. Costume. Ghost. Halloween.

Eleven's mind had always been easy for Allison to read, and she often found herself doing it by accident. As soon as she realized what was happening, she quickly forced herself out of Eleven's head and back into her own. A glimpse of Eleven's thoughts had piqued her interest and she flung her blankets off with a wave of her hand.

After jumping out of bed and onto the cold floor, she adjusted her pajamas and turned towards the door, sending it flying open with her mind. She smiled to herself as Eleven crept past the doorway on her way towards the kitchen, a large white sheet covering her from head to toe. Allison peered out from around the doorframe and watched as Eleven inched towards an unsuspecting Hopper.

"Oh! Jesus!", he uttered, holding the frying pan firmly in his grasp. Allison let an amused laugh escape and he shook his head in her direction, before transferring the french toast from the pan onto three small plates.

"Ghost.", Eleven stated, watching him through the small eye holes she had cut in the sheet.

"Yeah, I see that."


"Yes it is, but now it's time for breakfast.", he mumbled, carrying the plates towards the table. Allison observed the interaction as she crept across the room, fully knowing what Eleven's intentions were. Both girls had begun to grow restless, having been couped up in the small cabin for almost a year.

Eleven wanted to go trick or treating, while Allison wanted to attend a Halloween party that she had found out about via, remote viewing. She decided to keep her plans a secret until she could see how Hopper reacted to Eleven's request.

"They wouldn't see me.", Eleven continued, gesturing to her makeshift costume.

"Who wouldn't see you?", Hopper inquired, sitting down at the end of the table, while Allison lowered herself into the chair across from him.

"The bad men."

"What are you talking about?"

"Trick or Treat."

"You want to go trick or treating? Absolutely not!", Hopper stood back up and grabbed Eleven by the shoulders, carefully directing her into her seat. Allison dropped her gaze, and reached for the syrup, pouring a large amount on top of her french toast. Eleven tried to protest but it was to no avail, as Hopper kept a stern tone, demanding that she eat.


Eleven's thoughts echoed off the inside of Allison's head and she tried to drown them out, putting all of her attention on the food in front of her. As she shoved a piece of french toast into her mouth, Hopper let out a frustrated sigh, resting his elbow on the table and leaning his head against his hand.

"He's just worried, El. He doesn't want to lose us.", Allison whispered, leaning in towards Eleven.

"Hey! What did I say about reading someone's mind without their permission?", he scolded, furrowing his brow at Allison.

"Not to do it.", she sighed.

"And why not?"

"It's an invasion of privacy, and should only be used in life or death situations.", she answered, reciting what he had taught her word for word.

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