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Billy's dark blue Camaro turned off the road and into the Byer's driveway. As he took his time driving up towards the house, Allison leaned forward in her seat, trying to see which vehicles were parked out front, anxiously tapping her fingernails against the door handle.

 When she realized that only Jonathan's car was parked in the driveway and that neither Joyce's nor Hopper's were anywhere to be seen, she sank back into her seat, trying to hide the fear she was feeling.

"My Dad isn't here.", she whispered as the car came to a stop and Billy turned off the engine.

"But it looks like Harrington is.", he stated matter of factly, pointing at Steve who was standing out on the front porch. He quickly lit himself a fresh cigarette before opening his car door. "You coming?", he asked, when he noticed that she hadn't moved.

"I can't let Steve see me with you.", she uttered without thinking, sinking down into her seat. Billy's face contorted into a look of rage, and he slammed the door shut before she could explain herself. 

Allison craned her neck to get a closer look, trying to listen to the conversation through the open window. Steve stepped down off the front porch and strutted towards Billy, questioning him about the reason for his sudden arrival.

"Looking for my stepsister, a little birdy told me she was here.", Billy answered, glancing back towards the car with his cigarette hanging loosely between his lips.

"Huh. That's weird, I don't know her.", Steve shrugged, standing his ground.

"Small, redhead, a bit of a bitch."

"Doesn't ring a bell, sorry Buddy."

"You know, this whole situation, Harrington. It's giving me the heebie-jeebies."

"Oh yeah, why's that?"

"My thirteen-year-old sister goes missing all day, and then I find her with you in a stranger's house and you lie to me about it.", Billy shook his head, giving Steve an exaggerated look of disgust.

"I don't know what you don't understand about what I just said...she's not here.", Steve leaned in close, putting extra emphasis on the last few words.

"Then whose that?", Billy took his cigarette out of his mouth and used it to point towards the house, where several figures watched from the front window. Steve glanced at the house and then back at Billy, who shoved him to the ground and stormed inside, slamming the door shut behind him.

While Steve laid on the ground trying to catch his breath, Allison jumped out of the car, making her presence known. She ran to Steve and knelt down beside him, checking to make sure that he wasn't hurt. He stared at her wide-eyed as she helped him sit up.

"What are you doing here?", he breathed, combing his fingers through his hair.

"Looking for Hopper and El, I can't find them.", she answered, slowly climbing to her feet as Steve did the same. 

"Hold on. You don't know?", he uttered in disbelief, watching her eyes fill with worry.

"Don't know what?", she inquired shakily, grabbing hold of his arm and squeezing, as a commotion erupted inside the house. 

"Stay here.", Steve ordered, before leaving her outside and running towards the sounds of chaos. Allison did as he said, fighting the urge to go inside and intervene, yet slowly inching towards the front door just in case the situation escalated. 

Suddenly she heard the desperate screams of the boys, begging Billy to stop whatever he was doing. Allison stood on her tiptoes and peeked through the small window at the top of the door, horrified by the sight that was awaiting her. Billy was on top of Steve, punching him repeatedly, despite the fact that Steve had stopped fighting back.

Without a moment's hesitation, she flung the door open, almost causing it to fly off its hinges. As she walked into the house, Billy looked up in her direction. Distracted for a moment, the small redheaded girl, took it as an opportunity to plunge a needle into the side of his neck, injecting him with its contents.

Billy let out a groan and stumbled to his feet, pulling the needle out of his neck, and tossing it onto the floor next to Steve. He tried to take a threatening step towards the girl, but instead, mumbled something incoherent and fell onto his back. Allison and the boys watched in disbelief, as she grabbed Steve's nail-covered baseball bat and held it above her head.

"From here on out you leave me and my friends alone, do you understand?", she yelled, threatening to swing the bat.

"Screw you.", Billy spit out from his position on the floor, prompting her to slam the bat down between his legs, the nails stabbing into the floorboards.

"Say you understand! Say it! Say it!", she screamed, not intending to miss him a second time. 

"I understand...", he whispered, his answer clearly not to her specifications as she began to swing again. Allison held out her hand, stopping the bat mid-swing, prompting the young girl to release her hold on it.

"I think he's gotten the message. Haven't you Billy?", Allison asked, making the baseball bat hover in the air, just above his head. He used the last bit of strength he had, to nod at Allison, his eyes wide with fear. "Good.", she flung the bat into the nearby wall and then turned towards the group of boys with her arms open wide.

They all uttered her name in unison, before wrapping their arms around her and squeezing tightly. She laughed as they refused to let go, and then carefully shoved them aside, taking a step towards Billy's step-sister.

"You must be Maxine. Or do you prefer Max?", she inquired, holding out her hand towards her.

"Max is fine.", she confirmed, accepting Allison's hand and giving it a small shake.

"Pleasure to meet you, Max. I'm Allison.", she answered, side glancing at Mike, Dustin, and Lucas who were all grinning ear to ear. "Have you guys seen Eleven?", she questioned them, her eyes scanning over the house, taking note of the pieces of paper taped to the walls, floor, and furniture.

"Yes, then she left with Hopper to shut the gate.", Mike spoke up, earning a confused look from  Allison. 


"It's a sort of portal between our world and the upside-down. Will's Mom and Brother, along with Nancy, have gone to get the Mind Flayer out of Will before Eleven shuts the gate."

"Mind Flayer?"

"It's a really long story.", Dustin whispered, looking around the group.

"And we don't have time to tell it now! We need to get to the tunnels and set them on fire.", Lucas cut in, only confusing Allison further.

"Then let's get out of here!", Max shouted, grabbing Billy's car keys out of his pants pocket and giving them a shake. The boy's eyes all lit up, while Allison struggled to understand what was happening.

"What about Billy? Someone should stay with him and make sure that nothing bad happens, but it feels irresponsible letting you kids go off on your own.", she voiced her concerns, while the kids all looked at each other, waiting for someone to speak up.

"Then we'll take Steve with us.", Dustin blurted out, gesturing to an unconscious Steve, before shooting Allison his best pair of puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but be careful!", Allison sighed, feeling like an overprotective older sister to all of them. She stood back and watched as the boys took hold of Steve's limbs and began to drag him out the door, cursing loudly at each other as they struggled to move him.

"You should be careful too. Billy is dangerous.", Max warned, staring down at her brother with her eyes full of pity.

"I think I can handle it.", Allison laughed, watching the fiery, young redhead turn on her heel and chase after her friends, leaving her all alone in the house with Billy.

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