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Hopper had taken the week leading up to Christmas off of work, using the time to teach Allison and Eleven all about the meaning of the season and having them partake in traditions that he had done as a child, as well as creating ones of their own. 

They had decorated the cabin, inside and out, picking the perfect tree from the woods nearby and stringing lights along the front porch. After many failed attempts, they had succeeded in baking Christmas cookies from an old recipe book that Hopper had found in the basement.

Their friends had all taken turns coming to visit, bringing gifts to place under the tree, while the girls gave them homemade cards and cookies in return. Hopper had kept his gifts for Allison and Eleven hidden, planning to put them under the tree after they had fallen asleep on Christmas Eve.

When the night before Christmas had finally arrived, they hung their stockings above the fireplace and gathered around to watch a Christmas movie. Hopper sat down in the middle of the couch, between Allison and Eleven, a look of excitement on his face as he found the channel that the movie was on. As a black and white image came on the screen Allison read the words, Miracle on 34th Street, shooting Hopper an inquisitive look from her spot beside him. 

"This is a classic. Trust me.", he whispered, pointing at the screen as the movie began. Allison and Eleven shrugged at each other and then settled in, making sure to pay close attention.


Eleven was sitting on the edge of the couch as the movie ended and the credits began to roll, with Christmas playing lightly in the background. Allison had enjoyed it when she wasn't distracted by Hopper who had begun to snore halfway through the movie. 

"Do you think Santa Claus will come?", Eleven blurted out, jumping to her feet and running towards the fireplace. "Should we put this fire out so he doesn't get hurt? How will he fit? Do you think we've been good enough?", she began to pace, bombarding Allison with questions that she didn't have the answers to.

Allison chuckled at Eleven, then looked at the television, shutting it off with her mind as she stood up. She quietly crept past the Christmas tree and towards the window, looking up at the snowy, night sky. Eleven joined her, staring straight ahead as she intertwined her small hand with Allison's.  

They glanced back towards the couch in unison, where Hopper had begun to stir, letting out a groan as his eyes shot open. He slowly sat up and yawned loudly, narrowing his gaze on the girls as they began to giggle.

"I'm glad you find my exhaustion amusing. Let's get you two off to bed-", as he climbed off the couch, there was a loud revving sound outside the cabin, approaching quickly. "You've got to be kidding me.", he growled, crossing the cabin in a few strides and reaching for the door handle. 

"Wait!", Allison cried out, knowing that it was Billy's car that had pulled into the driveway. "Let me talk to him. Please?", she pleaded, looking up at Hopper whose nostrils were flaring. 

"There's no way-", his protests were interrupted by a quiet knock on the other side of the door.  Allison's eyes begged for him to let her past and he finally let out a reluctant huff, before stepping aside. As she opened the door just a crack, stepped outside, and shut it behind her, she came face to face with Billy.

The first thing she noticed, was how cold he appeared to be, shivering violently where he stood, followed by the large bruise under his eye and the blood running out his nose. She leaned in to access the damage, but he turned his face away from her.

"Billy, what happened?", she asked quietly, reaching up to gently turn his face back towards her.

"Just another Christmas at the Hargrove house. My dad usually waits until Christmas day to start throwing punches, but not this year.", he explained with a shrug.

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