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Allison's vision was blurred as she watched Billy take one long, last sip from the glass bottle. Once it was completely empty he tossed it into the back seat without a care in the world. Allison's entire body felt warm and tingling, a feeling she had never experienced before. 

At first, the taste of alcohol had been hard to get used to, but as they continued to pass the bottle back and forth she found herself getting used to it. Billy had laughed at her, every time she had taken a sip, as she had not yet mastered being able to hide the look of disgust on her face.

The world felt like it was spinning and Allison leaned her head back to stare at the ceiling of the car. She gasped as Billy reached over her, the smell of cologne and whiskey wafting into her face. He pulled the crank on the side of her seat, sending it reclining backward. He then moved back into his seat and did the same, until they were both lying side by side.

"I feel really weird.", Allison commented, holding her hand out in front of her and waving it back and forth.

"You don't say.", he teased, slowly turning his head to look at her. "So what? You've never been this drunk before?"

"Considering this is my first time drinking, no.", she shrugged, closing her eyes to try and stop her head from spinning.

"You're fucking with me."

"I'm not."

"Next you're going to tell me that you're a virgin."

"But I am."

"Yeah, right.", he snorted, waiting for Allison to admit that she was just joking around. When she remained straight-faced, he tried to sit up and get a better look at her but his body felt too heavy and he collapsed back into his seat. "Shit. You're serious?"

"Yes. Is that bad?", she turned her face towards him, their eyes meeting in the darkness. Any trace of the arrogant bad boy that had been there before was gone and had been replaced with unspeakable sadness. 

Allison reached her hand out to comfort him and he recoiled back into his seat, keeping just out of her reach. Flustered, she withdrew her arm, bringing it to rest at her side as she watched a wave of emotions wash over Billy's face.

"I should take you home.", he whispered coldly, refusing to look her in the eyes.

"Why? Because I'm a virgin?", she inquired, trying to understand what had caused his attitude to change. Billy reached over, fumbling with the lever on the side of his seat, eventually succeeding and forcing himself up into the sitting position.

"Don't be stupid. I just thought that you understood how fucked up things could be, but you have no idea, do you? You live in a fantasy world where nobody forced you to grow up before you were ready, or where you don't have to drink just to escape all of the bullshit, and I'm not about to be the person who ruins that for you. Somebody else can do that.", Billy went on a drunken rant, while Allison quietly sat up alongside him, patiently waiting for her turn to speak.

"Actually, it turns out that your first impression of me was pretty accurate. I do know how bad this world can be, and just because I've never lost my virginity doesn't mean I haven't lost everything else. My parents. My childhood. My entire identity! So you don't get to sit there and make assumptions about me, drunk or not!", Allison exhaled loudly as she finished speaking, feeling a weight lift off of her chest.

Ashamed, Billy stared straight ahead, struggling to find the words to say for the first time in his life. Although he had many questions, he knew that in his drunken state there was no point in asking them, as he wouldn't remember the answers. 

The evening had taken a turn that neither of them expected, leaving the pair sitting in complete silence. Despite having met only hours before, they didn't find the silence awkward. Instead, they took comfort in just being in the presence of another person and not having to meet anyone's expectations.

After taking one last glance in Billy's direction, Allison leaned her head against the cool glass of the window, allowing her eyes to drift shut until there was nothing but darkness. When Billy realized that she had fallen asleep, he locked the doors and pushed his seat back, settling in for the night.


The next morning, Allison awoke to a throbbing headache. Her eyes felt like sandpaper as she blinked repeatedly, trying to get them to adjust to the light. It took a moment for her to remember that she was in Billy's car, but as she did she sat bolt upright, her heart pounding in her chest. 

When she realized that Billy wasn't sitting in the driver seat beside her, she panicked, her heightened emotions causing every light on the dashboard to turn on. The clock on the dash told her that it was eight in the morning and she leaned forward, dropping her head into her hands. She heard the driver's side door open but kept her face covered, ashamed to look up.

"Uh. So listen, school starts in an hour and I can't be late. You got an address I can bring you to?", Billy's rough morning voice inquired, causing Allison's face to grow warm. "Hello? You still alive over there?", he prodded, placing a hand on her shoulder and giving it a shake.

"I'm in so much trouble.", she cried, rubbing her tired eyes.

"That makes two of us, and if I'm late for class it's going to be even worse, so just tell me where I can drop you off.", he muttered, putting the key in the ignition. "Wait. How is the radio on already?", Allison held her breath as he hit the dash hard with his fist. "Must be the wiring.", he groaned, answering his own question, before turning the rest of the car on.

"You can drop me off on the side of the road by my house and I'll walk the rest of the way.", Allison whispered, uncovering her face and slowly sitting up. Billy stopped to look at her, taking note of her messy hair and the bags under her eyes. "What are you looking at?", she asked, feeling self-conscious under his gaze.

"Nothing.", he smirked, putting on a pair of sunglasses, before slamming his foot onto the gas pedal. As the Camaro spun around, it sent rocks flying in all directions. Allison fought back the wave of nausea brought on by the sudden movement, bracing herself on the dashboard in front of her. 

After driving slowly down the narrow dirt road, they arrived at the main road and she pointed in the direction they had to go. Billy quickly turned onto the asphalt, accelerating to top speed in seconds, sending her back into her seat. His driving was just as reckless sober, then when he was drunk and Allison squeezed her eyes shut until they neared their destination.

"You can drop me off just up here.", she squeaked out, gesturing to the side of the road.

"You sure? The nearest house is over a mile away.", he pointed out, pulling over despite his confusion. Allison gave him a small smile and then opened the door to step out.

"Thanks for everything...", she stammered, trying to ignore the way that he was looking at her over the top of his sunglasses. 

"I hate to admit it, but I just wasn't at my best last night. Maybe I can make it up to you?", he suggested with a charming grin.



"It's probably best that this doesn't become a habit. It's too much of a risk."

"What's life without a little risk?"

"Goodbye Billy.", she let out a half-hearted laugh, shaking her head as she slammed the door shut. Then she took a step back, watching a reluctant Billy put the car back in drive and do a U-turn in the middle of the road, before speeding away in the direction they had come from. He glanced in the rearview mirror just in time to see Allison disappear into the woods.

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