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Allison and Billy sat side by side on the hood of the Camaro, with their backs pressed up against the windshield. They had watched the sun disappear below the horizon as they passed the joint back and forth. Allison had coughed her first few couple of turns, but it wasn't long until she found herself getting used to it.

Billy had instantly relaxed, a carefree smile plastered on his face. He took one last inhale and handed what remained of the joint to Allison, watching as she tilted her head back and exhaled the smoke into the air above her. His eyes were drawn to the exposed skin of her chest and neck, fantasizing about putting his mouth to the unmarked canvas and leaving a trail of hickeys across it.

"What is it?", Allison asked, giggling nervously, under the intensity of Billy's gaze.

"Just thinking.", he answered, biting his bottom lip as he continued to look her up and down.

"About?", she pried, turning her whole body towards him, refusing to back down until she got a response.

"How I was there the first time you got drunk and now for your first time getting high. Other than that random asshole being your first kiss, I think there's a pattern starting to form here."

Well, I hope you're around for the rest of my firsts because there's no way that anyone else is taking my virginity!", Allison blurted out, regretting it the second the words left her mouth. "I can't believe I just said that...", she trailed off, overcome with embarrassment.

Billy sat up slowly, as he tried to comprehend what he had just been told. He stared at her in silence, with an amused grin on his face, the effects of the weed making it hard for him to come up with an acceptable response. When he finally opened his mouth to speak, Allison panicked, putting her finger against his lips.

"Don't say anything! If we talk about it then everything is going to change.", Allison whispered fearfully, her green eyes pleading for him to drop the subject as Billy wrapped his fingers around her wrist and gently pried her hand away from his mouth.

"Would that be such a bad thing?", he asked, leaning in towards her until their noses were almost touching.

"It could be.", she breathed, continuing to stare deep into Billy's eyes.

"I want you and apparently you want me, so what's the problem?", he crooned, tucking a strand of hair behind Allison's ear and then trailing the back of his hand down the side of her face, her neck, and onto her collarbone. She had closed her eyes, savoring his touch but quickly snapped herself out of it, placing her hands on his chest and pushing him back.

"The problem is that I still don't feel ready after all this time, and eventually you'll get tired of waiting!", she cried, grasping the fabric of Billy's open shirt and unconsciously tightening her grip.

"That's not gonna happen. If all I wanted was to get laid, I'd just go get it somewhere else, but I haven't. Why do you think that is?", Billy directed his question towards Allison who shrugged, unsure of the answer that he was looking for. "Because you're more than just a place to stick my dick-"

Startled, Allison gasped, diving on top of Billy to silence him, pressing his back against the hood of the car. He looked up at her, laughing at her reaction to a word that he used on a daily basis, then reached up, putting his hand on the back of her head and rolling her onto her back until he was looking down at her.

"If just the word is enough to make you squirm, then you'll never be ready for the real thing.", he teased, watching Allison's cheeks turn a deep crimson below him.

"How can I be ready, when all that I know about sex is from what I've read in the human anatomy books at home? It's just theory.", she muttered, feeling discouraged. Allison wished that Hopper had felt comfortable enough to answer the questions that her and Eleven had, instead of depending on books and other people to inform them.

"What about the way this makes you feel? Is that just theory?", Billy asked, gently caressing the side of Allison's face, sending shivers down her spine. A small moan escaped her lips as she shook her head at him. "See? You know what your body wants, and that's more than those books will ever teach you.", he added, trying to reasure her.

"But just because I feel these urges doesn't mean I know how to act on them.", Allison let out a frustrated sigh, as she sat herself up. Billy leaned back slightly, watching as she inched her way off of the car and came to stand on the ground beside it.

"Maybe I could help?", he offered, with a seggestive grin, moving off of the hood and bringing himself face to face with her again.

"I'd like that-",Allison whispered, falling silent as a loud growling sound alerted her to a hunger that had seemed to come out of nowhere. Billy looked down at her stomach and she felt her cheeks grow warm.

"Hungry?", he asked with laugh, prompting Allison to nod silently. "Yeah, I could eat too. Get in.", Billy insisted, opening the passenger door and ushering Allison inside.

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