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Allison stood in front of the bathroom mirror, doing the finishing touches on her hair and makeup. Once she was satisfied with the results, she opened the door and stepped out to find Hopper, who had been waiting just outside. As she made her way toward the front door, he began to follow her across the cabin, closing inspecting the outfit she had put on.

Eleven sat cross-legged on the living room rug next to Mike and Will, while Dustin, Max, and Lucas all sat on the couch. The group watched in amusement as Allison turned around to face a distraught-looking Hopper.

"Are you sure you don't want to spend New Year's Eve here?", he asked, prompting her to roll her eyes. "The boys brought board games, it'll be fun!", he added, trying to persuade her.

"Tons of fun!", Dustin shouted from the couch, grinning ear to ear. 

"You said you were fine with me going to the party with Nancy!", Allison sighed, placing her hands on her hips.

"I am! It's he going to be there?", Hopper stumbled over his words, trying to hide his apprehension towards the situation.

"Probably. Does that matter?", she huffed, becoming increasingly irritated with Hopper's refusal to accept Billy as someone who was going to be a regular part of her life. 

"Ooohh, whos the lucky guy?", Lucas asked playfully from his spot on the couch.

"No one!", Allison and Hopper shot back in unison, as Max punched Lucas in the arm, knowing exactly who they were referring to. Before the confrontation could continue there was a loud honking sound outside the cabin and everyone's eyes shot towards the front door.

"That's Nancy and Jonathan! I have to go.", she insisted, pulling on her winter boots and jacket.

"Now remember! As Cheif of Police, I need to warn you against under-aged drinking, but as your father who drank every weekend when I was your age, all I ask is that you do it carefully.  That being said, if something bad happens, call me, and I will gladly use my title as Chief of police to shut that party down, understood?", Hopper gave her one last speech as her hand hovered over the door handle.


"Good, now get out of here. See you next year!", he added, laughing at his own joke as Allison shook her head at his antics, walking outside where Jonathan's car was parked. Nancy got out to let Allison climb into the backseat, then got back in, shutting the door behind her.

As Jonathan drove across town, the three friends made small talk, discussing how their holidays had gone and the gifts they had gotten. Allison chose to keep the fact that she had spent Christmas with Billy to herself,  knowing that neither Nancy nor Jonathan would understand.

Eventually, the car began to slow and Allison looked out her window, immediately recognizing the house as the same one where the Halloween party had been hosted. Jonathan pulled into the nearest empty parking spot and they quickly walked up to the front door, letting themselves inside.

Allison looked around the house, taking note of what had changed since she had last been there. The Halloween decorations had been replaced with New Year's banners and streamers, and the crowd was dressed in their best party attire instead of their Halloween costumes.

"Allison, thank god you're here! I need a beer pong partner!", Steve hollered running up to Allison the moment he spotted her enter the party.

"Beer pong?", she asked, looking to Nancy for answers.

"Just another idiotic drinking game.", Nancy muttered, rolling her eyes in Steve's direction. "Allison's abilities wouldn't have anything to do with you wanting her as a partner would they?", she inquired, eyeing him up and down. He shifted uncomfortably as he tried to deny it, but it was obvious that Nancy's assumption had been correct.

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