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Allison's eyes shot open and scanned around the unfamiliar bedroom, the events of the night before coming back to her all at once. Billy was sleeping soundly beside her, with his face pressed against the pillow and his arm draped over her stomach. 

She rolled onto her side to face him and reached out to brush a strand of hair off of his forehead, taking note of how innocent he looked when he was sleeping. As she lay there enjoying the physical closeness between her and another person, a loud knock at the door startled her out of her thoughts.

"Billy! Get your ass out here, now!", an angry voice that she recognized as Billy's father, carried from out in the hallway and she quickly jumped out of the bed, rushing around the room to collect her belongings. Before she had the chance to find her jacket, the door handle began to jiggle violently. 

In a panic, Allison ran to the bedroom window and forced it open. As she swung one leg over the window ledge, Billy began to move, his hand grasping at the empty air beside him. Before he could notice her, she finished climbing out the window, allowing herself to drop to the ground below.

She pressed her back against the house, trying to keep out of view of anyone who may look out the window. Above her, the bedroom door flung open and a set of heavy footsteps stomped inside. 

"There's a car parked out front. Do you know anything about that?", Neil Hargrove interrogated his son, who was struggling to remember what had happened the night before. The last clear memory he had, was of repeatedly punching Steve and Max stabbing him in the neck with a needle. After that, everything had become a blur of Allison's face and pure confusion.

"No.", Billy croaked, staring back at his father.

"Christ. You look like shit. When did you and Max get in last night?"

"Uh...I don't know."

"Of course not. Well, it's time to get up! You're going to be late for school.", he turned to leave and then stopped in his tracks. "Why the hell is your window open? Nevermind. Just make sure it's shut before you leave.", he growled, continuing out of the bedroom and slamming the door behind him.

How did I get here? Was it Allison? Where did she go?  Fuck. Maybe I am losing my mind. 

Allison listened intently as Billy climbed out of bed and began to wander around the room. His thoughts were loud and impossible for her to ignore. She wanted to stand up and explain everything but she couldn't risk being caught by the neighbors. As Billy walked to the window and slammed it shut, Allison got up and ran straight for the woods.


After finding her way amongst the trees, she walked in the direction of the cabin as quickly as she could, knowing that Hopper and Eleven would already be there, waiting for her. As she approached the cabin, she only expected to find Hopper's truck parked in the driveway but was greeted by Joyces as well.

She stopped to adjust her clothes and smooth down her hair, trying to make herself presentable, before stepping up onto the porch. The front door flew open and Eleven ran out, throwing her arms around Allison.

"I'm sorry!", Eleven sobbed, practically collapsing from exhaustion.

"It's okay-", she whispered, trying to console her.

"Not okay! I hurt you. I left. I said you weren't my sister, but you are. "

"You were upset. I've been treating you like a child but you're so much more than that. I'm proud of you, and I'm sorry.", Allison apologized, smiling through her tears as Eleven looked up at her. 

"Where the hell have you been?", Hopper asked from the doorway, staring down at the pair. His stern expression softened as Allison pulled away from Eleven and hugged him tightly, crying against his chest. "All that matters is you're safe. Come inside.", he cleared his throat, putting one arm around her and the other around Eleven, directing them both inside the cabin.

She stopped in her tracks as an unexpected heat hit her in the face, instantly warming her cold skin. Joyce, Jonathan, and Nancy sat at the kitchen table covered in sweat, looking exhausted. As they caught sight of Allison, their eyes lit up and they gave her the best smiles they could muster.

Despite the sweltering heat, Will was bundled up on the couch, sleeping soundly. Everyone watched in silence as Allison left Hopper's side and approached the couch. She had never been in the same room as Will, but as she watched him sleep she was overcome with the same protective feeling that she got around the other boys.

"Is he going to be okay?", she inquired, glancing back at the kitchen.

"Yes, Sweetheart. He just needs to rest.", Joyce chimed in, taking a large sip of coffee. Allison nodded in understanding, finding herself distracted by Nancy and Jonathan who were holding hands under the table. 

"Jonathan! I hope you don't mind but I had to borrow your car last night.", she informed him, walking back towards the kitchen.

"But how? I have the keys.", he shot her a look of confusion, letting go of Nancy's hand and reaching in his pocket to retrieve them. 

"I don't think that matters.", Hopper spoke calmly as he addressed Jonathan, then raised his voice as he turned his attention towards Allison. "You drove?"

"Yes, but I was careful. I promise!", she insisted, shooting Hopper an innocent smile.  He narrowed his gaze, conflicted on whether or not he should be proud or disappointed. When he couldn't figure out how he felt about the situation, he decided not to react at all. 

"So where can I find my car then?", Jonathan asked, resting his elbows on the table.

"It should still be parked in front of the Hargrove's house.", she shrugged, nonchalantly.

"The Hargroves? Is that where you've been?", Hopper growled, the muscle in his jaw flexing. Joyce shot him a look from the table that told him to relax, but he chose to ignore it, taking a step toward Allison.

"I was looking for you all night, but when I got to Joyces, Steve and Billy got into a fight. Then the kids left with Steve and I took Billy home.", she answered honestly, trying to calm him down.

"And then you spent the night with him...again", he stated matter of factly, assuming that something had happened between her and Billy.

"Again?", Nancy gasped, acting as if she had just learned an exciting piece of gossip.

"It's not like that. He was injected with some kind of tranquilizer and he needed help. That's it.", she insisted, the mention of the tranquilizer causing everyone in the room to exchanged uncomfortable side glances. "I left before he could wake up and besides, he probably doesn't even think I'm real."

"I'm sorry? What?", Nancy chuckled, jumping out of her seat.

"He saw me hover Steve's baseball bat in the air, and then he said I was a hallucination...because I was too hot to be real...or something.", she shrugged, causing Nancy, Joyce, and Jonathon to hold back their laughter, while Hopper's face turned bright red.

"Hot?", Eleven inquired, tilting her head to the side. 

"Who's hungry?", Hopper blurted out, changing the subject as he went to the refrigerator,  pulling out armfuls of food, trying to avoid the conversation that he wasn't prepared to have. There was a silent agreement amongst the others as they dropped the topic of Billy Hargrove, allowing Hopper to make them breakfast.

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