Thirty Seven

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When Allison arrived at the pool, she found the normally full parking lot, completely empty. She trudged forwards through the pelting rain, passed the pool, and around to the front of the building. As she rounded the corner, she spotted two people sitting behind the Lifeguard desk and she ran towards them to get out of the storm.

They stopped flirty with each other to acknowledge Allison as she approached the desk, and she suddenly felt very self conscious under their gaze. The female lifeguard popped her gum loudly, while the young man wearing a Manager shirt leaned forward in his seat, resting his elbows on the desk.

"Pools closed-", he began to speak in a monotone voice but Allison cut him off.

"I don't want to swim. I was wondering if you've seen two fourteen year old girls? They may have been asking about one of the Lifeguards that work here."

"Yeah. We saw them.", the girl interjected, eyeing Allison up and down. "Hey! Do I know you from somewhere? You look like super familiar.", she asked, moving closer until the name embroidered on the sleeve of her sweater came into view, Katie.

"I'm sure you've just seen me around town.", Allison shrugged, brushing off the other girl's comment. "Anyway, did these two girls happen to say where they were going?", she asked, shifting her weight from leg to leg.

"We didn't ask, but they had something of Heathers and insisted on bringing it to her themselves. So maybe they went to her place?", the manager suggested.

"And where is that exactly?", she pried, stepping closer.

"1438 Maple.",he mumbled, reading the address off of a piece of paper. "I could get in deep shit for giving that to you, so if anyone asks it wasn't me."

"Thank you.", Allison whispered, before turning to leave.

"Wait! I know why you look so familiar! You're that homeschool girl that's always going to parties with Billy.", Katie's shrill voice rang out from behind her, stopping Allison in her tracks.

"Holy shit. You're Hargrove's girl?", the man inquired, grinning up at her as she turned back around to face him.

"I'm not his girl.", Allison stammered, unsure of what she was to Billy.

"Maybe not officially, but he told the rest of us to stay away from you for a reason.", he shrugged.

"Billy said that?"

"Mhm. He even threw a few punches to make sure everyone got the message."

"But I didn't ask him to do that."

"Are you a complete Ditz or something?", Katie blurted out. "You didn't have to ask him because he's like totally in love with you!"

"In love? You think so?", Allison gushed, feeling her cheeks grow warm.

"Most definitely.", Katie chirped, nodding her head enthusiastically.

"Ladies! I hate to interrupt your little chat, but don't you have somewhere to be?", the man cut in, narrowing his gaze on Allison.

I've finally got some time alone with Katie and I'd like to make the most of it. So would you just take a hint and leave already.

"Right. I should go.",Allison responded, acknowledging both his words and his thoughts. "Thanks again.", she added, prompting Katie to give her a cheerful little wave as she pulled her hood up and wandered back out into the storm.


The sky was pitch black by the time Allison reached the street that Heather lived on and she was completely drenched from the rain. As she approached the large, brick house that belonged to the Holloways she noticed that the front door was wide open. In a panic she ran up the walkway, and straight into the house, coming to an abrupt stop as she reached the dining room.

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