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Allison sank back into the leather seat, fighting the motion sickness that had overcome her. The thick smoke inside the car, left her mind feeling foggy, causing the road in front of her to become a blur of colors and unrecognizable shapes. Billy seemed unphased as he drove, his body having built up a tolerance to the weed over time.

"You okay? You don't look so good.", he observed, looking over to see that all of the color had drained out of Allison's face, leaving a pale sickly shade on her cheeks. 

"Dizzy.", she forced out one word, prompting Billy to roll down his window and then reach across Allison to open hers, all while keeping his eyes on the road. As the cool, fresh air replaced the smoke around them, Allison breathed deeply, helping everything become clear once again. "So where are we going?", she asked, leaning against the door.

"You'll see.", he whispered, evading her question.

"You know I can't go anywhere public."

"Just high school parties, right?", he teased, earning a playful punch in the arm and an eye-roll from Allison. "Look, there's no need to be a paranoid stoner, I'm not going to let anything happen.", Billy promised, jerking the steering wheel as they turned onto a familiar street, that Allison instantly reconginized.

"You're taking me home?", she gasped, watching his house appear up ahead.

"Well yeah, there's food there.", he shrugged nonchalantly, watching her eyes widen. "Relax, nobody else is home. You trust me don't you?", he asked, pulling into the empty driveway. Allison nodded as he shut off the car and climbed out, prompting her to follow suit. 

They met at the front of the Camaro, before walking up the path to the front door. Billy grabbed the door handle and pushed it open, then stood in the middle of the doorway, forcing Allison to squeeze past him. Once she was inside, he closed the door and led her down the hallway to the small kitchen. 

Allison looked around the room, while Billy went straight to the refrigerator and began to rifle through it. There was a small table off to the side with four chairs placed around it, the stacks of paper and various items sitting on top, telling her that the setup was rarely used for family dinners.

The walls were covered in mismatched artwork and she couldn't help but notice the strange placement, as if they were being used to cover something. Her breath caught in her throat as she spotted a fist-size hole in the drywall, slowly reaching up to touch it. She stopped in her tracks as Billy cleared his throat behind her.

"I guess Susan hasn't found something to hide that one yet.", he muttered, glancing back and forth between Allison and the hole in the wall. "So, what do you wanna eat?", he quickly changed the subject, inviting Allison to take a look in the refrigerator. She looked in at the Tupperware containers full of leftovers and the countless amount of beer cans, neither of them piquing her interest.

"Do you have what we need to make pancakes?", Allison asked, her stomach growling loudly as she did, earning a smirk from Billy.

"How am I supposed to know?", Billy shrugged, never having cooked a single meal in his own kitchen. Instead of searching for the ingredients that Allison needed, he reached for a can of beer and cracked it open, prompting her to roll her eyes.

"Nevermind. I'll take care of it myself. Go put the milk and eggs over on the counter while I look for flour.", she ordered firmly, catching Billy off guard. He did as she said without hesitation and watched as she found her way around the kitchen, opening cabinets with her mind and pulling out what she needed.

It wasn't long until she was standing in front of the stove with a frying pan heating up, and a large bowl of pancake mix sitting beside her. Billy leaned against the counter, watching closely as the first pancake began to cook and Allison eagerly reached for the spatula.

"Do you always get this excited over pancakes?", he inquired teasingly, tilting his head back to take a long sip of his beer.

 "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. At home, we are always having Eggos. Sometimes all I want is a simple pancake, is that really so much to ask for?"

"Not at all. Tell you what, you can come back here anytime you get tired of eating waffles. That way you get the food you want, and I get to enjoy the view.", Billy whispered in Allison's ear as she flipped the pancake over, revealing its golden brown side. Flustered, she bit down on her bottom lip and turned to face him, their faces only inches apart.

"Do you like what you see?", Allison cooed, fondling the opening of his shirt. As he let out a quiet sound of approval under his breath, she put down the spatula and placed her other hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat against her palm. Deciding to take a risk, she began to slowly trail her hand down his body, coming to rest just above his belt.

"I'd be careful if I were you.", he warned, his voice a low growl.

"Or what?", she taunted, feeling bold as she looked up into his piercing blue eyes. Billy let out a small chuckle before tightly gripping her hips and forcing her back against the counter. She held her breath, staying as still as possible, as he leaned in, his lips lightly brushing against the sensitive skin of her neck.

"As much as I'd love to tell you all of the things that I want to do to you...your pancake is gonna burn.", Billy's words snapped Allison back to reality, her eyes shooting towards the stove. 

"What's that smell?", Max's voice called out from the doorway, startling the pair. Billy spun around to face her, while Allison quickly went to tend to the food that she was cooking. As she took the pancake out of the frying pan and lowered it onto the plate nearby, Billy began to storm towards Max.

"For fuck sakes Maxine! What the hell are you doing here?", he questioned his step-sister angrily, while Allison stood back in silence, watching the confrontation.

"Um...I live here. Oh my god! We're you two about to do it?", Max blurted out, slapping her hand over her mouth.

"No!", Allison and Billy shouted in unison, shooting each other awkward side glances.

"Would you like to join us for pancakes?", Allison offered, trying to diffuse the tension that fallen over the room. Billy shook his head, trying to object, while Max grinned ear to ear, happily accepting Allison's invitation. 

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