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A week had passed since Allison had spent the night at Nancy's house, and Eleven's turn to leave the cabin had finally arrived. Allison decided to help her get ready for The Snow Ball, a dance that was taking place at Hawkin's Middle School later that night.

Allison stood behind Eleven, styling her hair, while Eleven stared at herself in the bathroom mirror, beaming ear to ear. A loud clicking sound, caused both girls to look towards the open doorway, where Hopper stood with a polaroid camera in his hands. They both tilted their heads, giving him a quizzical look.

"What? I just thought this was a nice moment to remember.", he shrugged, waiting for the polaroid to come out of the bottom of the camera, giving it a light shake. The corner of his mouth lifted slightly as he looked at it. He then placed it up on the bookshelf closest to him, to keep it safe.

"How do I look?", Eleven asked, gesturing to the dress that Hopper had bought for her.

"Great, Kid.", he answered, quickly wiping away a tear that had come to his eye. Both Allison and Eleven began to giggle at his display of emotion and he crossed his arms over his chest, glaring down at the pair. "You ready to go?"

"Almost...and done!",  Allison announced, sliding one last bobby pin into place. 

Eleven turned her face from side to side, admiring herself in the mirror, while Hopper and Allison exchanged amused grins.  She turned around to face Allison, throwing her arms around her, practically vibrating with excitement. They continued to hug until there was another click from the camera that Hopper was holding.

Both girls shook their heads and walked past him on their way out of the bathroom.  While he waited for the second photo to develop, they put on their coats and boots and went to wait outside. Moments later, Hopper followed after them, grabbing his keys off the counter on his way out the door.

They ran to the truck and jumped in to escape from the cold, jamming themselves into the front seat. Hopper turned on the engine and cranked the heat as high as it would go, before backing out of the driveway. Eleven babbled on excitedly for the entire drive, while Allison and Hopper nodded silently.

As they pulled up in front of Hawkin's Middle School, the parking lot was full of parents dropping off their children for the dance. Instead, of driving off like everyone else, Hopper pulled into an empty parking spot across from Joyce Byer's car and shut off the engine. 

Allison opened her door and jumped out, allowing Eleven to slid out of the middle and onto the ground beside her. Eleven's thoughts told Allison just how nervous she was, and she responded with a reassuring smile, trying to put her mind at ease. 

"Alright. It's time to head in. You ready?", Hopper asked, walking around to their side of the truck. Eleven nodded and Hopper put his arm around her, directing her across the parking lot and towards the front door. Once she was safely inside the school, he lit a cigarette and walked over to Joyce's car, where she stood alone.

Allison knew that they weren't going anywhere and climbed back into the truck to get out of the cold. As she shut the door behind her, she spotted Billy's Camaro parked several spots away, with his familiar silhouette sitting in the front seat, a cloud of cigarette smoke billowing out the open window.

Billy began to look around as if he could sense that someone was looking at him, and stopped as his eyes landed on her. He took one long drag off his cigarette, staring at her the entire time, before opening the door and stepping out. She swallowed hard, knowing that there was no way to avoid him and that a conversation was inevitable.

Reluctantly, Allison got back out of the truck, standing with her back pressed against it, while Billy leaned up against his car. She glanced over at Joyce and Hopper, who were in deep conversation, and when she was certain that neither of them was looking, she began to walk towards Billy.

"Well...Well...look who it is.", he exhaled, flicking what remained of his cigarette onto the ground between them, a devious grin spreading across his face as he eyed her up and down.

"Surprise.", Allison muttered dryly, taking a step forward, crushing the cigarette butt under her heel in the process. 

"Surprise is right. You're the last person I expected to see here, especially after that shit you pulled."

"I know and I'm sorry! I never meant to break your window but one thing lead to another and-"

"I don't give a shit about the window!", he yelled, falling silent seconds later as Allison put her finger to her lips and shot a nervous glance across the parking lot. "I'm pissed because you thought it was okay to use your powers to spy on me.", he explained, his voice just above a whisper.

Allison took a small step back, feeling like all of the air had been knocked out of her. Once it had been brought to her attention, it all made sense, and she was ashamed that she hadn't realized it sooner. Billy buried his hands deep into his pockets as he watched a look of understanding come across Allison's face.                                                              

"I didn't think. I was just trying to prove that my Dad was wrong about you."

"But he was right, wasn't he?", he asked coldly, prompting Allison to lower her gaze to the ground and nod. "Now you can stop wasting your time talking to me and go be with Harrington.", he shrugged, spitting out Steve's last name with a look of pure disdain.

"Billy-", she began to explain that she didn't want to be with Steve, but was interrupted by Hopper storming towards them from across the parking lot.

"Hey!  What the hell is going on over here?", he shouted, his eyes darting back and forth between the pair, as Joyce chased after him, calling his name. Joyce shot Allison a sympathetic glance as Hopper and Billy stared each other down.

"Relax Cheif, I was just telling your daughter that she should stay away from me.", Billy huffed, appearing irritated with the entire situation.

"Is that true?", Hopper inquired, directing his question to Allison. She held eye contact with Billy, as she responding to Hopper, forcing out a quiet yes. "Then it's settled. Allison go get back in the truck. Now.", he ordered, his tone telling her that she didn't have a choice.

Joyce stood by, glaring at Hopper disapprovingly as Allison turned on her heel and returned to the truck. She held back her tears, only letting them fall once she was back in the familiar passenger seat. Through the dirty window, she watched Hopper take a threatening step towards Billy, his mouth moving as he did.

Billy threw his head back, laughing at whatever Hopper had said to him, causing Hopper to lunge forward with his fist raised.  In a panic, Joyce grabbed him by the arm and pulled the large man away from Billy before he could make contact. 

Once Joyce had gotten Hopper under control, she led him back to her car, glancing over her shoulder at Billy. He turned, kicked his tire, and climbed into the front seat of his Camaro, slamming the door hard behind him. After lighting another cigarette, he started the engine and tore out of the parking lot, taking one last look at Allison as he drove by the truck.

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