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Cold and alone, Allison moved forward, gliding through the darkness. She squeezed her eyes shut and focused all of her attention on finding Nancy Wheeler. After picturing her friend's face in her mind,  she heard a familiar voice appear behind her and spun around to find Nancy and Steve, sitting side by side, dressed up in their Halloween costumes. 

Steve appeared to be driving, as he gripped the steering wheel in front of him, while Nancy stared out her window, her eyes void of all emotion. Allison stepped closer, tuning into the conversation that the couple was having.

"You okay Nance?", Steve asked, reaching over to rest his hand on Nancy's thigh. He gave it a light squeeze and she turned towards him, forcing a smile.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine.", she mumbled, pulling out the orange invitation to the party and tracing her manicured fingernail over the words. Allison leaned in closer to read the paper, making out the address, moments before Nancy could fold it up and put it away.

"And here we are!", Steve announced enthusiastically, turning the car into the driveway and shutting off the engine. Nancy and Steve exchanged a look that Allison didn't quite understand, before opening up the car doors and climbing out.

As the doors slammed shut Allison was forced out of the darkness and back into her bedroom. She looked at herself in the mirror one last time, then went to find her shoes, quickly slipping them on before cracking open her bedroom window and crawling out into the night.

The dry leaves crunched beneath her feet as she crept through the woods, making sure to avoid the booby traps that Hopper had set up along the perimeter of the property. She focused on her destination as she weaved through the trees, letting her body lead the way.


After reaching the main road Allison made sure to keep to the shadows, ducking behind the nearest tree every time that a vehicle or group of trick or treaters went past her. When she finally arrived on the street where the party was being held, she noticed the overwhelming amount of cars parked on either side of the street. 

The sound of loud laughter and music, echoed through the night air, beckoning her closer. As the unfamiliar and elegant house came into view, the crowd of teens standing outside told her that she had arrived at the right place. She took a deep breath, fixed her hair, and adjusted her clothes, before plastering a fake look of confidence on her face and strutting up the walkway.

The front door was already wide open yet she paused in the doorway, trying to mentally prepare herself for what awaited her inside the house.  She had spent the last year checking in on her friends' periodically, but this would be the first time that they would be made aware of her presence. 

"Why, hello there.", a boy that Allison didn't recognize slurred his words, as he leaned up against the wall beside her. He looked her up and down, causing her to shift uncomfortably under his gaze, the look of disgust on her face making it clear that she wasn't interested. "Don't be like that, Sweetheart!", the drunk boy called after her as she turned on her heel and entered the house.

She scanned over the crowd of drunk teenagers, searching for a familiar face, until she spotted Nancy, holding a red solo cup and swaying her hips back and forth. Eventually, Nancy looked up and they locked eyes, bringing her dancing to an abrupt stop.

Steve, who was standing behind Nancy with a huge smile plastered on his face, remained oblivious to Allison's arrival.  When he finally noticed that Nancy had stopped dancing, he looked in the same direction that she was and caught sight of Allison, struggling to keep hold of the cup in his hand.

As the couple stared at her from across the crowded room, she slowly raised her hand and gave them a small wave. All of the color drained out of Steve's face as if he had seen a ghost, while Nancy's face contorted into an angry scowl. 

Nancy slammed down her cup and began to stomp towards Allison, but was stopped by Steve who grabbed hold of her arm. Allison hesitated for a moment, shooting Nancy a look of apology before closing the gap between them. 

"Where the hell have you been?", Nancy snapped, breaking free of Steve's grasp.

"I can't say."

"Oh, you can't say? We thought you were dead!", she cried, her voice cracking as she spoke.

"I know...", Allison trailed off, averting her gaze.

"Why would you put all of us through that? It's such...such...bullshit!"

"I know, but we didn't have a choice.", she could sense the pain that Nancy was feeling, and it sent a wave of guilt washing over.

"We?", Steve cut in, finding his voice.

"Yes. Eleven is alive as well, but you can't tell anyone. Not yet. It's for our safety and for yours.", Allison's tone was stern as she spoke, and Nancy nodded in understanding.

"Then why are you here? Is this party really worth putting your life at risk?",  Steve inquired, folding his arms across his chest.

"My life would be a lot less at risk if you'd just lower your voice.", Allison shot back, glancing at all of the people surrounding them. Nancy let out a quiet laugh, that faded as her bottom lip began to quiver.  Allison tried to tune into her friend's thoughts, but found herself overwhelmed by all of the emotions that Nancy was feeling. "I missed you too.", she whispered, pulling Nancy into a tight embrace.

Steve stood off to the side, watching the pair hug, before throwing his arms around both the girls to join in on the embrace. When they finally separated, all three of them were smiling, the pain and sorrow of the previous year forgotten. 

"Holy shit!", a familiar voice blurted out from behind them, prompting Allison to turn around and try to find its source. Jonathan Byers was standing by himself, looking out of place amongst the other guests. "Does anyone care to explain what's going on?", he asked, speaking directly to Nancy and Steve.

"I'm alive.", Allison stated matter of factly, gesturing to herself with a half-hearted smile.

"Yeah, I see that. But how?", he muttered, needing answers.

"It's hard to explain right now, but I just need you to believe that everything that has happened has been in the best interest of everyone involved. How's Will?", she asked, changing the subject.

"As good as he can be. Wait.  How did you know that he made it out of the...uh...that place? You were gone before he was rescued."

"I have my way of getting information.", she shrugged, trying to hide the fact that Hopper had told her everything that had happened.

"Right. How could I forget the whole you having powers thing?", he chuckled, looking away from Allison to side-eye Nancy, who was standing with Steve's arm wrapped around her waist.

She's beautiful. 

Allison tried her best not to react outwardly, as she overheard Jonathon's thoughts. Even if Allison hadn't been able to read minds, the look of adoration in Jonathan's eyes would have been enough to tell her how he truly felt about Nancy.  As he tore's his eyes away, he noticed the look of knowing on Allison's face.

"I should go. It's nice to know that you're not dead...guess I'll see you guys around...", he stammered, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. They watched as he walked away, wandering further into the house, disappearing amongst the crowd.

"Poor guy. Must be tough being zombie boy's brother.", Steve whispered sympathetically.

"Zombie boy?", Allison shot him a look of confusion, and Nancy rolled her eyes. 

"That's what all of the assholes keep calling Will.", she explained, reaching for her cup and taking a big sip.

"Oh, that's not what Johnathon is upset about, but you already know that don't you Nancy?", Allison asked, her bluntness causing Nancy to inhale her drink. As Steve pat her on the back to help her clear the liquid out of her lungs a loud commotion erupted outside on the lawn.

"Billy! Billy! Billy!", the crowd began to cheer loudly and Allison glanced towards the front door just in time to watch him walk through it.

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