Thirty Three

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When Allison returned to the cabin Eleven was no where to be seen, resulting in her running from room to room in a panic. She stopped in her tracks as she spotted a small note on the kitchen table, written in Eleven's handwriting; "Gone to see Dustin. Be back soon!". A wave of relief washed over Allison as she remembered that Dustin was returning from Science Camp and that the others had been planning to welcome him home.

Once she knew that Eleven was safe, her thoughts returned to Billy and how he had asked her out on what would be her very first date. It was impossible to contain her excitement as she bolted to the washroom and turned on the shower. She quickly threw her clothes into a heap on the floor and climbed in under the warm water, making it impossible to resist the temptation of entering the void to check on Billy.

The sound of running water continued to echo through the darkness, confusing Allison, until an unfamiliar bathtub appeared in front of her. It was surrounded by a white shower curtain and she could see the well built silhouette of someone standing on the other side of it. As she stepped closer, it became clear that the blurred profile in front of her belonged to Billy.

She glanced down at her own exposed skin and then back at the shower curtain, realizing that it's thin material was the only thing standing between her and Billy's naked body. Letting curiousity get the best of her, she slowly lowered her gaze. Her breath hitched as Billy reached down and began to stroke himself, moaning softly.

Allison knew that she shouldn't watch such a private moment, but she remained frozen in place, unable to tear her eyes away from the sight in front of her. Billy picked up the pace, his breath growing shallow as he titled his head back and used his free hand to brace himself against the shower wall.

"Oh...Allison.", Billy uttered her name inbetween ragged breaths, his movements becoming jarring. He let out one last grunt and went limp, the only movement that remained was the steady rise and fall of his shoulders. Flustered by what she'd just witnessed, Allison squeezed her eyes shut, forcing herself out of the void and back into her own shower.

Her heart was racing and a familiar throbbing sensation was radiating from her core, making the rest of her body hot with anticipation. She glided her hand down between her legs, touching herself the way that Billy had in the front seat of his car. She closed her eyes and recalled the sound of his deep voice moaning her name, the pleasure began to build until it couldn't be contained any longer, causing Allison to let out her own moans of exstacy, Billy's name on her lips.

She leaned back against the wall to try and catch her breath, then reached for the soap with a trembling hand. The rest of the shower was spent in a daze as she tried to focus on the task at hand, instead of what she'd rather be doing with Billy. When she was finished she wrapped a towel around her body and walked through the empty cabin to her bedroom.


Allison sat on the end of her bed, facing the mirror that hung above her dresser. She stared at the outfit she had chosen to wear and the way that she had done her hair and makeup, scrutinizing over every little detail. Meanwhile, Eleven and Mike had returned to the cabin, followed by Hopper several hours later and she had yet to leave her bedroom to greet them.

When she realized that she couldn't enhance her appearance any further, she stood up and went to go find Hopper to tell him that she planned to go out. As she approached his bedroom door, she could hear him mumbling to himself on the other side. She knocked loudly and then pushed open the door, just in time to see him fumbling with a crumpled piece of paper.

"What are you doing?", Allison asked, raising an inquisitive eyebrow in his direction. He was laying on his back with a cigarette in his mouth and a pile of ash resting on his chin.

Taking Joyce's advice. Practicing how to talk openly with El and Mike. It'll never work.

"Uh...nothing.", he mumbled, sitting up and wiping his face. "You look nice. What's the occasion?"

"Actually that's why I wanted to talk to you. There's a party happening tonight and I was hoping I could go.", she lied, knowing that Hopper would never agree to let her go on a date with Billy. "I know that it's kind of short notice-"

"Don't worry about that! Do you need a ride? Maybe I can drive Mike home at the same time.", he suggested hopefully.

"No. Nancy and Jonathan are coming to get me. Besides I think you should stay and have that talk you're trying to avoid.", she chuckled, watching Hopper's face drop. "Good luck.", she added, turning on her heel and heading for the door.

"Be careful!", he called after her as she shot him a thumbs up and stepped outside.

Allison checked over her shoulder to see if Hopper was watching, before continuing her stroll down the long winding driveway. She came to a stop at the end and looked in both directions, for any sign of Billy's blue camaro. When he was nowhere in sight she listened closely, hoping to hear the familiar drone of the engine, but it was to no avail.

To pass the time she began to pace back and forth along the width of the driveway, until she grew tired of standing and sat down in the grass nearby. Allison glanced down at her watch, noticing that almost an hour had passed since the time that Billy had promised to pick her up. Trying to remain optimistic she began to stack pebbles with her mind, seeing how many she could put on top of one another without the pile falling.

Suddenly, Allison's concentration was broke by a faint rumbling sound, causing her tower of pebbles to come crashing down. She leapt to her feet, realizing that the noise was coming from the direction of the cabin and approaching quickly. Just as Hopper's truck rounded the corner she dove behind the nearest tree.

From her hiding spot she could see Mike cowaring in the passenger seat, while Hopper appeared to be yelling at him. As the truck tore out onto the road and disappeared from sight, Allison turned and ran back down the driveway. When she reached the cabin, she burst through the front door, calling out Eleven's name.

"I'm in my room!", Eleven answered, swinging her bedroom door open so that Allison could step inside.

"What happened?", Allison asked breathlessly, staring down at her sister who was sitting cross-legged on her bed.

"Hop was acting weird."

"Weird? How?"

"He told us he wanted to talk, but got really quiet. Then he said something about Mike's Grandma being sick and they left.",she explained, resulting in Allison rolling her eyes. "Do you think she'll be okay?"

"Oh, I'm sure she'll be just fine.",Allison sighed, knowing that Hopper had made up an excuse to avoid talking to Eleven and Mike. "Try not to stress out about it.", she insisted, sitting down on the end of the bed.

"I'll try. Wait! Why are you here? I thought you were going to a party. Was it canceled?",Eleven inquired innocently, her words cutting through Allison like a knife, forcing her to accept the fact that Billy had stood her up.

"Yeah...the party was canceled.", Allison choked out, turning away to hide the tears that had begun to form in her eyes. "But that's fine! You know why?", she asked, forcing a cheerful tone.


"Because it means that you and I can finally spend some time together!", she smiled, trying to push any thoughts of Billy from her mind.

"Does that mean you can help me practice?", Eleven gushed excitedly, sitting up straight.

"Hm, I don't know if I really want you being able to read my mind."

"Hey! No fair!"

"I'm kidding! Of course we can practice.",Allison laughed, watching Eleven's eyes light up as she moved closer to her. "Alright. Take my hands and close your eyes. Now, clear your mind, so that it's open to receiving any thoughts I may have.",Allison instructed Eleven calmly, trying to focus on anything but Billy and the betrayal that she was feeling.

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