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I was riding my car at a speed much above the speed limits mentioned on the boards. And before you judge me, let me tell you it was night 2 am. And roads were empty because of night or because it was through a forest I don't know.

So there was no sign of any living being on the road. And I thought it would be like this until I saw her.

Did I say I saw her? No. I take my words back. I absolutely did not see her, I swear. The words can be taken back or can be not?. Forget it. Words are not that important.

Actions are!!!. What we do intentionally and non intentionally both. Because it affects the people and the energy field around us. And it does in magnitude way more than the words.

I said people and energy like these are two different things. But are they?.

This body is made of cells. And cells are made of organic molecules like proteins, lipids & carbohydrates. Which all are made of atoms and atoms are made of electrons, protons & neutrons.

Till that, just till that I've learned in my school. But is that it?

I would have gotten a different answer to it if I had continued my studies afterwards. But no worries. I did learn afterwards or rather I should say taught forcefully by life.

What did I learn? I learnt that these electrons, protons, neutrons etctons are made of single thing Quarks.

Quarks are made of strings and strings are not particles just a form of energy.

These strings vibrate in certain ways to give properties to a particle. So a particle is not a particle. It's energy.

So people and energy both are the same i guess. Maybe not because It's just a Theory. The String Theory.

My father would have been so proud that I learnt so much even after leaving the school.

Just one thing I couldn't learn. Is how to stop?. Yes how to stop when I go on the journey of my thoughts I just get lost.

And that's when she appeared magically out of nowhere (stress on the magically) on the road in an instant.

And I couldn't stop.

Are you okay? No. I'm dead. (Book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now