
56 6 1

Cameron P.O.V

I stabbed forward without hesitation. But she blocked my blow in a flash, making me lose my balance.

Shoot.  I thought.

She was better than the last time she beat me.

"Cameron#47!" the coach shouted at me, not bothering to be discreet in front of another player.

"Adel#18 has just started learning fencing this month but you're getting used to losing!"

I bit my lip. He was right. It had been almost 3 years since I started fencing. And I was becoming bored with getting vanquished by Adel every single damn time.

So much for 5 years.

The coach signaled to take our places. 

We stood our ground. One foot in front of the other. My breath felt hot against the mask wire. Adel's cyan eyes glared at me as if trying to make me nervous.
I glared back.

The coach whistled to start.

Adel shot out first. Her blow met mine and made her scoot backward. The sound of dancing metal rings in the air. The swords went by in a blur. I aimed for her mask and stabbed. She ducked. I missed by a hair. Pure anger throbbed in my heart.
My arm began to feel tired from all the stabbing. Adel caught this moment to drive me into a wall. My defense seemed like nothing compared to her hefty blows.

She gave a final stab towards me, but I slipped away just in time. Making Adel's blow land on the wall.

It was my chance to hit her before she turned around, but she blocked it as soon as my Epee struck down. Our swords swung together like silver butterflies.

I smiled to myself, It would be easier for me to stab if Adel kept maintaining.

But before I could stab, her sword met my arm. 

Finally, I realized that she had pretended to maintain. I was sure that was a move that I used a lot... when did Adel learn to use it?

We got back into position. I had to make a plan fast.

Something came to my mind. 

The coach blew his whistle again.

"Class is over!"
With that, the shape of his body disappeared from the room. Leaving me and Adel's figure alone. She took off her mask, her gold hair matted with sweat. 

"You were never meant to fence."
She gave me a smirk.

"If I had a little more time, I would have won and you know it." I retort. But Adel had already disappeared.

I pressed the button that was stuck to my neck. 

The large room faded away slowly, finding myself in my living room moments later.

Maria was playing with her transforming cube on the furry carpet. I looked around to find mom and dad.

"Where has mom and dad gone?" I asked.

"You mean 'have' check your grammar." Maria corrected. "They're having a serious talk."

I rolled my eyes. Having a little sister who was going to become a teacher wasn't easy. My parents had just received a letter informing that Maria was made from a Clonial teacher's house. They had always told me that I was meant to become a teacher too since it ran in the family. But they must have lost it because I had never seen mine. On the other hand, Maria's envelope was plastered on the wall in the eating room. Shining, staring down at me mockingly.

I headed to my room, hoping to get some sleep before dinner.

The wall formed a door to my room as I approached. Before I stepped inside, I heard whispering. 

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