chapter 16

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Cameron P.O.V

Jimin kept on calling me every 5 minutes. 

She must have found out I had skipped school. I had never in my life had skipped school before. I was absolutely sure that this was illegal.

The phone pieces crunched under the weight of my shoe after I threw my phone.

It stopped ringing immediately.

I regretted not bringing anything to change into. Aunt would figure out I was supposed to go to school when she sees my school uniform. But it was no use turning back now. The tele-porter had almost reached auntie's house.

When I had arrived at Aunt's molecule teleportation room, the room turned into  a beautiful 5-D meadow. 

Uncle answered the door. He and auntie were given 3 days to stay from work after their compeer matching.

He frowned down at me. "Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

Without saying anything to him in greeting, I walked past him. Aunty rose from the sofa and smiled. 
"Well if it isn't miss Cammy." 

I didn't have time for this.
"Where's Moth? I need to talk to her!"

"Moth? Who's Moth?" Aunt asked confusedly.

"Sarah!" I answered impatiently.

"Oh, she was delivered to the wrong house so they took her back."

Before I could say anything, the phone on her wrist started ringing.
Stupid phones.

Aunt answered it. 
"Who is it?"

I froze when I heard mom's voice.

"Is Cameron there?" mom's voice asked. I could almost feel her anger.

"Why yes." aunt replied.

"Tell her I've been searching all over for her! That girl isn't going to get away with skipping school!"

Aunt turned to me. "You skipped school?"

Without a second thought, I bolted to the door. But uncle stood up to block the way. Aunt's firm hand fastened around my arm. 
"Skipping school goes against Sapiens rules."

Aunt's expression was stern and cold.

I stamped on her foot. After she had loosened her grip, I slid between uncle's legs into the teleportation room.

The door closed before they could catch me again.

My heart was thumping so hard that it was hard to choose where to teleport.
I muttered angrily as my hand kept on slipping from the dial. 

Then it occured to me that I had no place to go to. 

If I went back home, mom would ground me. And if I went to live stock, I would probably get punished for breaking the rules.

 There was only one person who could help me.


I could try going across the boudaries to where the K's live. But this could lead to sever punishment to me and our household. 

Nonetheless, if I didn't I would never get to find Moth again.

Jimin would hide me...wouldn't she? She was my best friend.

The teleporter stopped when it came close to the boundary. It was designed this way from the first place. 

The door opened beneath me and I landed on the hard ground below me. 

I looked up but the door had already disappeared.

When I had got to my feet, I jumped at the sight of the boundery.

A humongous gateframe was standing infront of me. Pictures I had seen in texttablets were coming to life!

Boundaries didn't need gates to lock clones out. This frames worked with unbelievably strong force that could rip any clone to shreads dead or alive. 

Why had I come here anyway?

 Crossing any boundary was impossible. I realized that I had just wanted to come here to stay away from my troubles for a while.

I moved my foot from where I was standing. It was uncomfortable standing on lumpy ground.

When I looked down to see what was making the ground so lumpy, I almost froze with disbelief.

There were Footsteps!

definitely footsteps. Footsteps leading into the boundary. 

But made by who...?

When I looked around to see no one there, I threw a rock at the gateframe. 

Nothing happened. 

Maybe this boundary was turned off for a special reason...

Risking my life, I approached the gateframe slowly.



Even though I tried everything to make myself stop, the temptation was too much.

I reached out with my hand...

When nothing happened I tried to pull my hand back. 

My hand didn't budge.
It was stuck in some kind of wall.

Then I realized my whole body was being pulled in!

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