Chapter 5

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Wil P.O.V

I see myself when I was young...
I am dragged into a small room. A room I've always feared. My former keeper is cursing and yelling. 

And I look afraid.

But not because of my keeper...but what was going to happen. Tears are streaming down my face.
I keep shouting the same thing over and over...please...please...

My keeper throws me to the ground infront of the capsule. It shrinks into my size when it recognizes me. 
"You will learn..." My keeper whispers as she reaches out to grab me. I try to run, but she is too fast. Her fingernails that are covered with red manicure digs into my skin. I wail in pain and fury.
She ties each of my legs and arms on to the side of the capsule so that I couldn't get up. Except for the thin box shaped part where I was lying on, I was floating on water.

She makes me bite a medical tube and attaches several to my arms and legs. She ignores my muffled screams and shut the door. 

When I open my eyes again, I am in a different place. 

Hot and uncomfortable.

I was in a plain full of sand. The sun was exploding with extreme heat and the air was boiling. I covered my face from the sun and frowned. They had put me in the desert.

I glanced ahead. I had to get out of here first. The heat was getting to me, and the sun wasn't going to stop shining on me any time soon. It looked like I would only be looking at sand for at least a couple of kilometers. I tried taking a step forward. The sand gulped at my bare feet, and my body suddenly felt heavy.


The sand was too soft. It collapsed under my weight and swallowed me up to my knees. Unfortunately, escaping the sand wasn't as easy as getting trapped inside it. I struggled in the knee-deep sand as I drowned deeper and deeper. My head bobbed above the ground, and my hands desperately grasped at the dust that slipped between my fingers. Then, my head dropped inside the sand and the light disappeared. Sand filled my ears and nose. 'Can't... breathe...'

Despite how hard I tried to breathe the oxygen it was only sand that filled my lungs. I could feel myself slowly suffocating. I choked and squirmed but nothing made me feel better. I reached for the air one last time with all my might. And with one hand raised above his hand, grasping for anything, he slowly lost his consciousness.


"Hey! Stop lying around and get to work!"

Someone shouted in my ears. My eyes flew open.

" Where am I?"

I was in a room full of screens. I stared. Then I realized that I had been dreaming. I never thought I would be this happy to return in front of the screens. A construction program for my former lab. A lab that had been attacked by...the lotus.

"What do you mean 'where am I', you're working here now!"

The male clone sneered at me. "Clones these days...don't help us in any way." The Sapiens clicked his tongue and sighed. "Get back to work now, or you won't be eating anything today." 

While the Sapiens walked off, grumbling about clone inefficiency and how useless they were, I turned at the sound of heels click-clacking on the floor.

"...I will be taking care of him for the time being. Thank you for your time..."

Two female Sapiens were talking with each other farther down the hallway. The one with the brown hair I couldn't recognize, the other Wil gasped at. Though he didn't know her at all, Wil could instantly feel that he knew this Sapiens. He squinted his eyes and realized that this Sapiens was the woman who came to get him from his previous lab. But did that make sense? I approached the door, but before I got up, I caught a glimpse of a clone in a nurse's uniform marching to me. And before I could turn around, she suddenly pulled me to the wall.

 Choking me.

The last thing that I could remember was something covering my nose and mouth.

I blacked out. 


When I opened my eyes, this time, I was lying down on a white bed. My arm was tied to each side of the bed. 

When I began to struggle, the door opened and a female clone in a white gown entered the room. She closed the door behind her and headed to a cupboard next to the bed I was lying on. I couldn't move. Everything was hazy and the clone's movements felt slow. It was better to stay still on the bed or else the world spun and my head hurt. When the clone was close enough, I recognized her immediately.

"Good to finally meet you Wil," she told me in a sing-song voice. 

She was one of the women who was standing outside the door. The brown-haired.

"Who are you?" I was surprised by how my voice was cracked. I must've been asleep for quite a long time.

"Dr. ellorie. Your new keeper," she murmured. Her voice sent chills down my spine.
I watched her as she put on a rubber glove.

"Why are we here?" I asked after a few moments.

She gave me a wide smile before putting on her mask. 
"Don't you know what day this is?"

Then I remembered. Of course. I had forgotten that today was the day they 'tested' me. Or rather experimented.

The male clone started rummaging through the cupboard and pulled something out. It was a needle. A huge one. The robot pulled an alcoholic tissue out and sterilized the needle. Wil felt scared for the first time in years.

I flinched. 

I was used to being poked and prodded with all kinds of instruments...but never this big.

"We've got some good news for you clone." she whispered as she walked toward me with the needle.
I waited for her to say something. Expecting the worst.

"You don't have to be tested anymore."

I stared at her. I couldn't believe it. almost 6 years of fearing being experimented, it was finally over.

"But...since now you're almost 13, we have something else in mind."

My heart dropped. 

She pulled out a long rubber string from her pocket and tied the middle of my left arm. 

Then she injected the needle. 

"We are drawing blood for your donor."

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