chapter 7

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Woman with the amber eyes P.O.V

I saw Wil working all night. 
I felt guilty.
But I needed to act like I was part of all this.
That was the whole plan.

And that was the smartest move you could make.

My older sister would have been mad at me. She always put her mission first, but she would have given up everything for the asset...

If she wasn't dead.

I walked alone in the Gallery. I had become Nightwatch after coming here. I inspected all the labs to see if they were empty. 
"All clear."

I reported. Touching the tiny earpiece in my ear as they had taught me.
I sweated in the hot air and looked from side to side to see if there was a window to open.

Then I remembered there were no windows.

The uniform I was wearing was too thick. 
Especially because of the lab coat with a Tobor symbol that looked like running electricity.

I longed to take off the coat. Just to feel the cool air...and to take back my pride.
I couldn't believe I was wearing a coat with my enemy's symbol on it.

But I knew that if I was caught without covering my arm, they would spot my tatoo.

And they would probably kill me.

Like they did to my sister.

My smart sister who was good at everything.

I remembered the call my sister had made before her last mission...
The phone ringed, playing her favorite music. I remembered we had played a game we both loved ever since we were young a week before.
The winner was decided by who memorized the lyrics of a song faster. I had let her decide the song. 

I was certain she had suggested we played that game just to make me stop worrying for her. Working for her in the mission she had been assigned to.

She was just the one.

Among all the other clones who were trained for lotus.
Among all the other clones who were trying to get the twins.
To prove that we were exactly like the Sapiens. We deserved better treatment.

Why did she have to be the one?

I  would not be able to see her for a long time.

Maybe not ever.
I picked up my phone. "Who is it?"
I remember feeling a soft rug under my feet. My sister had bought it just for me.
Nobody answered the phone. Only the sound of rough breathing.

I knew it was my sister.

"Ansel..." she whispered.

I hadn't replied.

"I'm teleporting in 10 seconds." she murmured.

"Good luck." My breath shook.
This was her first mission without me. 

"Just to let you know that-."

The phone cut off with a beep. She must have fully teleported. She hadn't finished the sentence but I had a pretty good idea of what she was about to say next.
A hot tear ran down my face onto the surface of the phone.
She had not come back from the mission since.

"Dr Gwen."

I turned at the sound of my new name

It was a woman who I had never seen before. Perhaps she was a new Nightwatch.
She had long brown hair, the color of forest wood.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Come with me." she whispered. 
I looked at her. Who was she to tell me what to do?

"I'm on night watch as you can see."

The women smiled. 

"I am the manager of the lab. I insist you come with me." 

With no choice, I trailed behind her.
I could see she hadn't been joking when she said 'manager' because as soon as I left, new clones filled my place.
She must have been getting ready to talk to me.

I gulped at the sudden thought.

Did she figure out who I was?

She led me to an empty corridor.

"I heard you wanted to be Wil#1002's keeper." she said in a low voice.

Though I was glad she had not figured out my identity, I still feared what would come next.

"But you see, Wil, and you both...are new here. And I believe you need time to adjust as a night watch." she continued.

I tried to interrupt.

"And what Wil needs is a Sapiens filled with experience. Like me."

I felt my face grow hot. My insides burned with fury. She was messing up our plan.
"I've had a lot of experience from other labs you should put me in charge so I can-"

She cut me off again.
"Now you listen here doctor, there is no way a person as untrustful as you can handle the job. I bet the best you can do is go and steal him away from us. " 
She scoffed at the end.

I couldn't say anything...because that was exactly what we were planning to do.

She cleared her voice and smiled again.
"I will be taking care of Wil for the time being. Thank you for your time. You can return to your duty now."

I forced myself to turn away and walked back to the gallery.
When I was sure she was out of sight, I cracked my knuckles one by one. This used to be my sister's habit.

I knew she would want me to save the Lotus. And I was going to do just that. 

I was going to get justice.

Time for plan B.

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