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Cameron P.O.V

I went to my room as soon as they had left.

Mom had gone to charge early with Maria and dad had gone to his room.

I stayed and watched the floor sensor lit up as it searched for trash.

After I had changed into a white long night gown and a furry yellow boa wrapped around my arms and matching slippers even though it wasn't cold.

I looked around to check if there was something different about my room.

What if Moth had...done something to my room?

I searched and found nothing.

Stupid of me to be scared of a kid...

I switched my roomscreen on to choose what movie I should watch today. Since tommorrow was end of the month, we didn't have to salute. I could sleep whenever I wanted. 

I had managed to sneak some snacks upstairs so I could stay awake a little more.  

I looked up at the clock on the celing. Mom and dad had agreed to put it there because I didn't use it much anyway. Guests gaped at the idea.

Our house had only 30 rooms while others had 50. But most of our rooms were larger. That made the celing higher than the other houses.

I opened the lid to one of the tubes. A small one with brown covers that was labeled : choco
It was filled with clear liquid. Similar to water. 

I gulped it down. 
Soon after, I can taste a big lump of chocolate in my mouth. I savored it for a moment before swallowing.

Having nothing to do, I decided to call Jimin. I bet she's up. She and I had always been night owls. 

As I thought, Jimin picked up. "Hello Cameron#1002." she said.

This was not Jimin. She hardly ever called me in my full name. But this could be her new concept.

At least I could hear her voice, I felt a little more brighter.
"What kept you from school?"


I repeated the question incase she hadn't heard.

"I've always been going to school." she replied quietly.

I narrowed my eyes.
When had she changed her classes?
"Did you change classes?" I asked cautiously.

"No...I changed school." 

I had always known Jimin was going to be an actress, but this good? 
"Stop joking!" I laughed.

Jimin didn't laugh with me. In fact she didn't make a sound.

"I really changed school." she said again.

"What? Why?" I asked in shock.

" dad changed his job."
I could hear her clicking her pen.

Click Click Click...

"Jimin, did I ever tell you, you click your pen when you tell lies?" 

I could tell Jimin was surprised. "Excuse me?"

"Please can you tell me whats going on?" I pleaded.

Jimin sighed. "Its family  buisness."

I flinched at her harshness.

"You wanna hear a song?" Jimin asked. The harshness was still there.

"I'm sick of all this Jimin. I'm just sick of it."

Then I hang up before she can stop me. This week was such a mess.

I cleared away all the snacks and stuffed them in my drawers.

Hoping to feel better, I reached for one of my fencing swords and started wiping it with my sleeve. 

But I stopped when I spotted something stuck to the end. 
I started to get it off when I realized there was words on it.

It was a see-through paper that came right off when I scratched at it. 

The words on it was almost invisible. I could make out 5 words.

I loosened my grip and let the sticky piece of paper slide from my hands. I could feel my face begining to burn. 
This couldn't be possible! Who had stuck it there?


I headed for the door but stopped. What can my parents do? Make them arrest Moth? Who wasn't even older than 15?

That would be cruel.

I picked up the paper again.

The paper that had exactly 2 words written on it. 

Amber Venetta

My body itched to go ask my parents what it meant. Then a perfect idea popped into my head.

Why hadn't I thought of that before?

I could just search for the meaning. I carfully typed and clicked meaning.

Amber Veliz. Amber Veronica, Amber Vetta. There it was!

I clicked on Amber Venetta. 

Amber Venetta : Child of two infamous billionaires. Wanda Venetta and Jaquil Venetta. 
Died of heart disease. 

Is donor of 50 clones. Was cloned by Jaquil Vetta who wanted desperatly to regenerate his daughter....

A flash of memory shot into my head. Amber Vetta was my donor! 

How had Moth known? Why did Moth give this to me?

I scrolled for more.

A mishap happened during the 47th of the clones. 

My heart seemed to stop. Cameron#47. The 47th clone was me.

There was another biologically similar sperm made in the same proccess that resulted in the making of a fraternal twin for the 47th clone. The twin was a boy.

I blinked. Was this a trick? I looked around. Half hoping for my mom to be standing with a camera. Cam we knew you would fall for our trick! Silly you!

But no. No camera. No mom. This was all real.

I had a twin.

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