How to Annoy Chiron

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1. As soon as he sees you, yelp with delight and scream 'OOoooh look! A pony!'

2. Call him a donkey

3. Jump onto his back, smack his rump and go 'Yah!'

4. Deliberately mix up Chiron and Charon

5. Repeatedly refer to him as 'horsey'.

6. Kick him in the flank.

7. At every possible opportunity, jump onto his back and cry 'Giddy Up Horsey! To the Showers!'

8. Follow him around, sniffing him.

9. Eat a pound of horsemeat and then follow him around, giving him odd looks and licking your lips.

10. In an argument with him, always bring up the fact that he has fish-horse-guys for brothers.

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