How to Annoy Annabeth Chase

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1. Dress up as Arachne and wake her up in the middle of the night.

2. Give her a coin and say--Follow the Mark! Avenge me! urgently.

3. Whenever she tries to speak, shout--YOU ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO MITHRAS!!

4. Shave her head while she's asleep.

5. Superglue a fake beard to her chin.

6. Dress up as Hera and pop out at her at the most inopportune times, shrieking like a banshee.

7. Slam her fingers in the car door.

8. Swing her around in the air by her hair.

9. Take her to MacDonalds and eat a Big Mac in front of her.

10. Adopt one of Arachne's spider children and name her godmother.

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