How to Annoy Apollo (In his Mortal Form)

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10. Loudly ask him what happened to his eight-pack abs

9. Slap him on the back of the head, and when he turns around, tell him "the shiny blobs" did it

8. Ask him how come the Hunters of Artemis are better than his kids at archery if he's the God of Archery

7. Bring up the time Hermes stole his cattle

6. Revel in how fair and just Zeus is

5. Ask him if he's the God of Prophecy, how come he didn't notice I skipped 5?

4. Laugh at him when he goes back to check

3. Proclaim Helios to be "the real Sun God"

2. Bring up his acne

1. Loudly whisper the name "Daphne" whenever he's around then look away innocently

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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