Chapter 10

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ToyBonnie's POV-

"AUUUGGGHH!!!!" Bon-Bon screamed into his pillow the instant Fredsie left his room. "WHY THE HELL IS EVERYONE TEASING ME?!?!?!" He let his body flop onto the floor as he gathered his clothing. "Fuck my life." He got dressed and opened the door to his room. Bon-Bon walked onto the stage where he saw Chici and Fredsie getting ready.

"Hey guys." Bon-Bon waved and picked up his guitar.

"Hey Bon!~"  Chici chirped and skipped over. "How'd you sleep?"

Bon-Bon looked stared at her for a little while.

"Heeellllooo????" Chici snapped her fingers in front of Bon-Bon's face.

"Huh?! Oh, uh, good."

Chici rested her hand on his cheek. "Hey, something is obviously wrong. Are you okay?"

Bon-Bon nodded his head, dark bags under his eyes. "I'm fine! I'm just, a bit tired." He yawned and strummed the strings of his guitar.

Chici grabbed his guitar and set it down. "Just a bit tired? You're really bad at lying Bon." She waved over Fredsie and he walked over. "What?" Chici pointed to Bon-Bon and Fredsie looked at him. ".... What are you trying to prove?" Chici mentally face planted herself. "He looks really tired! Can he have the day off? " Fredsie looked at Bon-Bon and realized how tired he looked. "Oh. Well, yeah. Go get some rest Bon-Bon. " Fredsie patted Bon-Bon's back as he walked back to his room. "Ugggghhh...." Bon-Bon opened the door to his room and fell asleep on the floor.

(I'M SO SORRY THIS IS SO DAMN SHORT AND I'M TAKING FOREVER TO UPDATE!!!! UUUGGGH. I really hope you like this chapter! I'm trying to get Chapter 11 out as quickly as  can! Okay, so this chapter is dedicated to GirlGamer3000 for being an amazing writer and requesting a ship on one of my storys! Stay awesome! BAI!~)

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