Chapter 13

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Mangle's POV-

Mangle had heard about Bon-Bon and quickly went to check up on him. "Bonsie?!" He ran into his room, but tripped over the sleeping bunny. "Wha-?!" Before Mangle could finish his sentence, he fell onto the floor. "Owww..." He sat up and looked at Bon-Bon. "Oh lad." He carefully picked him and laid him on his bad. "Ye could get even sicker if ye sleep on the floor." He kissed his forehead and walked out of the room. He walked around the pizzeria and found himself in front of the "Parts and Service Room." He felt like something was pulling him in. He opened the door and peaked his head in. "'Ello?" He heard some soft crying coming from the end of the room. Confused and slightly worried, he walked over to the shaking body on the floor. "Hello?" He heard a soft gasp and watched the animatronic quickly sit up, It was Freddy.

"Lad? Are ye okay?"

Freddy said nothing but hid something behind his back.

"Freddy?" Mangle moved closer to Freddy and grabbed whatever was behind his back. It was a knife. "Lad, why do ye have this?"

Freddy's ears went down as he shrunk back into the corner.

Mangle kneeled down and stroked Freddy's hair. "Please tell me lad... I know we don't really talk a lot, but I care for ye." Mangle smiled at the depressed bear. Freddy looked away, his hair covering his eyes.

"W-well... I-I was.. um... c-cutting myself..." Freddy very softly whimpered as he watched the concern in Mangle's eyes get replaced by shock.

"YE DID WOT?!" Mangle grabbed Freddy's shoulders and viciously shook him. "Why would ye do that?! Ye have so much!!"

"I DON'T HAVE WHAT I WANT THE MOST!!!!" Freddy snapped back at Mangle.

"...W-wot do ye mean?" Mangle let go of Freddy's shoulder.

"....." Freddy didn't respond.

"Lad..." Mangle pulled Freddy into a hug. "I'm sorry I yelled at ye earlier. I was just... shocked. Please tell me lad. Freddy looked at Mangle, staring into his golden eye. It reminded him about Foxy and his eyes began to water up. "I-I don't have what I want. A-and I want Foxy. It may seem greedy... but I love him with all my heart. H-he rejected my love for him." Freddy's sad eyes soon turned to rage. "He's crushing on that new Bonnie. I fucking hate him already." Mangle's eyes widened. "OI! That's no way to speak about Bonsie!" Freddy looked up at Mangle. "I have every damn right to talk about him like that. He took away the only person I ever loved. My own brothers dead for crying out loud!!!! And because of your little "Bonsie" the one person I ever fucking loved doesn't love me back!!!!!" Freddy had tears streaming down his face. Mangle was shocked. He didn't know how to respond. Instead of speaking, he just pulled Freddy into a hug. "Shh.... Freddy, it'll be okay. Ye must be tired. Rest lad. Let all of yer troubles fade away..." Mangle spoke softly into Freddy's ear, watching the bear fall asleep.

(WHOOOO!!!!!! CHAPTER 13 IS DONE!!!!! It's so DAMN LONG!!! UUUGGGHH!!! I really hope you guys like it!~ This chapter is dedicated to Mika Miyu for being an amazing friend! She's really sweet and caring! Go check her out and don't forget to follow her! Stay awesome guys! BAI!~)

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