Chapter 28

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Golden Freddy's POV-

I woke up next to Mangle, watching him sleep peacefully. I slowly got up from the bed, not wanting to wake the mangled fox from his sleep. I exited "Kid's Cove" and went to visit Springtrap. I approached the "Back Room" but I saw this kid. He must be a new animatronic. I quietly walked over and rested my hand on his shoulder. "What the hell do you think you're doing." The animatronic visibly flinched and quickly turned around. "Oh! Uh, Golden... Freddy? I think that's your name. Heeeyy.... I'll just leave." He tried to escape, but I had a good grip on his shoulder. "Don't even try to escape. What's your name kid?" He swallowed down the lump forming in his throat and completely avoided eye contact. "Dryden..." I let go of him, but he knew to stay here. "Alright, 'Dryden,' why are you here." Dryden bit his lip and looked around nervously. "I was... " He was obviously stalling. I sighed and grabbed his collar, bringing him close to my face. I gave a mischievous smile, revealing my sharp teeth. "I don't play games kid. Now I'll ask again. WHY ARE YOU HERE." Dryden looked away from my lifeless eyes. "I was um.. I was looking for the Marionette! Yeah. I-I wanted to ask him a question. You see... I got lost and well, I thought maybe he was in here!" I rolled my eyes and dropped Dryden, causing him to fall on the ground. "If you leave now, I may spare your useless life." He whimpered and quickly ran away. I looked back to the door and the past events flashed through my mind. 'That idiot... he lied.' I began to cough as other events here passed by. Fucking hell.. I was about to leave, but then I heard a loud screech from Springtrap. I quickly ran in and found him curled up in a ball on the floor, whimpering as the twisted soul inside of him whispered lies. "Shit! Marion!!! He's doing it again!" I did my best to comfort Springtrap while Marion got prepared. He soon ran in and set his supplies down. "Again?!" I nodded my head and he pointed to the door, signaling for me to get out. I ran out and closed the door. I leaned against the door as I ran my fingers through my dirty gold hair. "Shadow." Soon, one of the shadow animatronics appeared in front of me. "Yes sir? What is it that you want?" I rolled my eyes and rustled his purplish black hair. "There's no need to be formal Shab. I just wanted to know if you or Shaf could keep the animatronics away from Springtrap .Shab nodded his head. "I can do it sir." I flicked his forehead. "I said you don't have to be formal." Shab flinched at the contact and rubbed his forehead. "Oww.. s-sorry siri- I mean Golden." I kneeled down and kissed his forehead. "It's fine Shab. Now go look after those new animatronics. Make sure you're not seen though! I would grant you invisibility again, but I used up my powers for the day." Shab nodded his head again. "I understand sir. Although it will be hard to blend in with the shadows, I will try my best." I watched Shab leave into the shadows. This'll be hard for him. Unlike his brother, who was created with dark skin, he has very pale skin. "Good luck Shab."

Jay's POV-

I sat on the stage with my new friends. They were all really nice! Minus Walarie. She's a little mean to me. But I understand, she's a wolf, and I'm a cat. Though some of them do piss me off. Eh. I saw Dryden run back onto the stage, he looked scared. "What happened to you?" He looked down at me, before flopping on the stage, groaning at the contact. "Shit happened." I easily shrugged it off. 'It's his problem, not mine.' A few minutes later, Walarie and Nitty came back from the party room. "Hey guys! Me and Walarie had soooo much fun playing with Balloon Boy! You should play with him some time!" Nitty skipped over and poked Dryden's side, tilting her head as she did so. "What happened to him?" I shrugged. "Shit happened." I hadn't seen Ms. Giggles walk in the minute I said that. 'Well shit.' She walked over and smacked the back of my head. "Now what did I tell you about cursing?" I hissed in pain and rubbed the back of my head. "Not to do it.." She nodded her head. "So don't! Next time listen when I lecture you." She motioned for Walarie and Nitty to come with her to some other place. Of course, with her being the leader, they followed. Dryden got up and sat next to me. "You ready to tell me what happened?" He shook his head and wiped away the sweat dripping down his pale face. " I don't think a certain Fazbear would like that." I shrugged again and looked at our surroundings. I felt another presence around us. It's heartbeat was fast, so I could tell it was nervous. I got up from the stage and followed it's scent. It wasn't a bad scent though, it smelled like... Sweet Alyssum. I always liked that flower. I felt Dryden's eyes watching me closely. My blue ears twitched when I heard a gasp, and I pounced on the sweet scent.

(DUN DUN DUUNNN!!!!! CLIFFHANGERS! So I felt really bad about my last troll or whatever you wanna call it. So I made this chapter to make up for it. I really feel like shit you guys. I feel terrible that I let you guys down. I hope this will make up for it. One last thing, if you feel that something is wrong about your OC's personality, TELL ME!! I will fix it! Either way, stay awesome guys! BAI!!~)

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