I'm so sorry...

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Hey guys... um. This is a shame to say, but I have writer's block. I know, you guys were really looking forward to the next chapter, but I just can't seem to get it right, or I'm not satisfied with it. I'm really sorry, but I'm trying my best to get back up on my feet! It's gonna be tough though. I've been having a lot of thoughts about my move to Maryland, and I'm nervous as fuck. I'm excited that I'll be able to see my mother again, but I'm really sad that I have to leave all my good friends here in Germany. That's not the only thing. I probably won't be able to update as often or as quickly due to the fact that my parents love restrictions. I also wanted to mention something, it's a new story that me and my brother have been working on. It's called "Fazbear Academy." I can't really say much about it for now, but I finished chapter one and my brother needs to get started on chapter two. (fucking procrastinator) So uh, yeah! I'll be working on another ship story named 'The shy bear and the sad fox' and it will be a Frexy story. Once again I'm so sorry about this, I'll continue to work on the next chapter, but I may have to restart more than once. Thank you guys for all of your support. I really appreciate all the nice things you guys have said to me and not once had a fight on my stories! I'm always happy when I read your comments and even if I don't respond, do know that I love you guys with all my heart. You guys are my light at the end of a dark tunnel. Without that light, I wouldn't be here telling you guys how much you mean to me. So once again, I love every single one of you. No matter what kind of person you are, I will love you all. Sorry about the writer's block, but thank you for understanding.

-Leroi Griffons

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