Chapter 29- What's happening?

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Shadow Bonnie's POV-

I was walking calmly in the shadows. They always brought comfort to me. Sir does not really want me and Shaf to interact with the other animatronics. I would like to meet them, but sir is not really the happiest person since he found out his youngest brother was in a coma. I do not want to pester him about it, since he is mine and Shaf's creator. I saw the new animatronics and my heart instantly began beating faster. I turned around, my hands on my chest, trying to calm myself down. When I had turned around again, a blue cat animatronic had started to approach me. I gasped when the blue cat looked at me, and then it pounced on me. I shrieked loudly and quickly tried to push the animatronic off of me. But of course, being me, the cat animatronic pinned me down with ease. "Who are you. I've never seen you around here." I was freaking out so much that I could barely breath! "Hey Jay! What do you got there?" I saw another male walk over, but I was too focused on bright blue eyes staring straight into my white ones. "Some new animatronic. He was spying though, so I don't think he's new." He got off of and started to sniff my hand. Once he was finished, he LICKED ME?! I shrieked again and quickly moved back into the shadows. He stood up and looked at me again, those blue eyes were so... captivating. My face began to heat up and I instantly smacked my hands over my cheeks. The blue cat walked over to me and held his hand out. "Hey, uh, sorry about... that." I very hesitantly took his hand and he lifted me up with ease. Maybe a bit too much ease. My head ended up on his chest. "Whoa! Your really light!" I felt my face heat up and I moved away from him. "So... my name's Jay. What's your name? You're not in my facial recognition system" I looked down, my ears covering my glowing white eyes. "M-my name is Shadow Bonnie... b-but you can j-just call me Shab.." I felt his smooth hands be rested on my cheeks and lift my head up so I was looking at him. "Hey, there's now need to hide. We don't judge." I continued looking down, not wanting myself to get lost in his blue eyes. I heard him sigh and felt the warm hands on my cheeks be removed. I felt a little.. disappointed. I really liked feeling his hands on my face. But nevermind that! My cover was blown! I looked back at the new animatronics before quickly running away. I heard Mr. Jay call my name, but I was too busy running away. I started to slow down and leaned against a wall. I slowly slid down the wall, my heart pounding, and my breath slowly began to return to normal. I looked up at the ceiling. 'That one boy was so... captivating. I have never seen eyes so filled with life.' I got off of the ground and left back to the 'Parts and Service" room. I looked around for Shaf and saw him examining Freddy's body. "Shaf! What you are doing?!" I spoke in a soft, whispery voice so I wouldn't startle him. Shaf looked at me and shrugged. "I just wanted to check out the damage done to father's brother." I motioned for him to come over to where I was, and he appeared by my side. "What's wrong? You look scared." I looked down. 'Should I tell him? But what if he tells sir? Would I get in trouble?' I decided not to tell him. "N-nothing is wrong." He looked at me again, but easily shrugged it off. "Well, if anything happens, you can tell me about it." Shaf rustled my blackish purple hair and smiled. I gave a small smile before looking down again. My heart just would not stop racing. I placed my hands on my chest as an attempt to calm myself. Shaf gave a concerned looked lifted up face so I was looking at him."Shab. I'm serious. What's wrong? You're not acting like yourself." I gasped at the familiar feeling and moved away from him. Flashes of the cat animatronic flashed through my mind. I groaned and rested my hands on my head. My vision became blurry, and the last thing I heard was Shaf calling sir's name...
I woke up in an unknown room. Where am I? I sat up and looked around the dark room. I felt a sharp pain in my head. I groaned, but slowly got off the table I was on. This place... why does it feel so familiar? I walked over to the door, and slowly opened it. I peaked my head out of the door, and saw a hallway. Well.. is this the pizzeria? I exited the dark room and noticed an office. Maybe they know where I am! I approached the office and poked my head inside of the room. There was another night guard! Great! He probably knows where I am! The night guard turned his head. I instantly noticed something was off. He had a sinister grin on his face. I tried backing away, but I could not. He moved towards me, holding a knife in his hand. I whimpered, but could not do anything. He traced the knife around my arm, causing some of my black blood to emerge from the cuts. "Well well well~ What do we have here? A shadow?~" I swallowed down the lump forming in my throat as he began to cut through my black vest. "What's wrong Shab?~" I gasped. That voice... who is this man?! "Cat got your tongue?~" I shook my head, and tried to move. But that unknown force would not let me go. I heard the most evil laughter come from the man. "Stop trying little Shaby~ YOU CAN'T ESCAPE." I felt the cold blade against my neck. I felt my hot tears stream down my pale cheeks. No... why does it have to end this way?! A few seconds later, the blade was removed from my neck and I heard a loud groan. I tried looking up again, and it worked. I saw an animatronic with red fox tail and ears. He looked at me and walked over. He made me feel so small and weak. I spotted a box in the room. Is that... the toy gang?! "Lad. State yer name." I saw his golden glowing eye. "M-my name? I-it is Sh-Shadow Bonnie." I heard the fox gasp. "Yer a Bonnie?!" I slowly nodded my head. Disbelief filled the fox's gold eye. "That can't be true... all the Bonnie's were scrapped! And two Fazbears.." "Two Fazbears? W-which ones?" Fear corrupted my mind. Was it sir? What if it was Shaf? M-maybe both?! The red fox shook his head sadly. "Tis be Golden Freddy and Shadow Freddy." I felt my eyes water up and I began to shake. He lead me to a different room, where I saw other animatronics. I could not see them clearly though. I was crying too much. I felt one of the animatronics hug me. I did not care who they were. I just wanted sir and Shaf back... The warmth soon faded, and I looked up. Nothing was there. Only darkness. I held my knees close to my chest as I felt myself falling into a never ending abyss..."WAKE UP!!!!"
I woke up and saw sir and Shaf. Their lifeless eyes filled with concern. Tears filled my eyes as I hugged them both. They were confused on why I was crying, but held me closely. After I calmed down, they let go of me. Sir looked me dead in the eyes. "You met an animatronic, didn't you?" I whimpered, but nodded my head. He groaned and ran his fingers through his dirty gold hair. "Shab. There's a specific way that I programed you and your brother. Anytime you two interact with an unknown animatronic, you'll become light headed and dizzy. After the animatronic is gone, you'll pass out and enter an unknown place." I looked at him. "W-why!? W-we would like to meet other animatronics w-without passing out and th-then having nightmares!" Sadness and guilt filled sir's eyes. "I-I know... I just.." His eyes began to glow and Shaf picked me and quickly ran out of the room. After the room was no where to be seen, he set me down on the floor. "Sh-Shaf? Wh-what is going on?" Shaf shook his head and disappeared. I was all alone again. I brought my knees up to my chest and whimpered. 'What's happening to my family?'

(You may now cry. UGH THIS WAS SOOOOO LONG AND HARD TO TYPE!!!! I will be fixing a few things on my fnaf au's thing. So once again, IF YOU'RE CONFUSED ABOUT ANYTHING RELATING TO THIS STORY, ASK ME SHIT ON THERE!!!!! So yeah. Shaf and Shab are brothers and Golden Freddy is their creator/father thingy. Well, stay awesome guys! BAI!!~)

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