Chapter 23

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Foxy's POV-
Foxy sat in the same room his suicidal friend was. He couldn't even look at Freddy. It hurt too much seeing him in that condition. He glanced over at Freddy, who was still on the table with blood dripping down his chin. Foxy stood up and walked over to Freddy. Once he was there, he wiped away the blood and stroked his hair. "Oh lad... I'm so sorry... " Foxy looked down at Freddy's dull eyes, and saw his own reflection. What he saw was a backstabbing monster. One that didn't deserve any friends, or Bon-Bon's love. He leaned down and softly kissed Freddy's forehead. "Ye didn't deserve this. I'm so stupid... I hadn't realized that you were going through much more pain then all of us. I-I do love ye lad. I never stopped. But... it's too late for that now, isn't Freddy?" He looked into Freddy's dull, blue eyes. He remembered the days when those eyes were filled with joy and happiness. He remembered when they were together, how he'd hug and kiss him when he was down. He smiled softly at those thoughts. Then he remembered there fight. How he didn't realize the cuts on Freddy's arms, the glum look in his eyes, and the tears streaming down his cheeks. His smile faded as he walked away from the bear. He walked over to Bon-Bon's room and knocked on his door. "Bon-Bon? Lad?" He heard some shuffling on the other side of the room and saw Bon-Bon open the door. "Foxy! W-why are you here? Aren't you visiting Freddy today?" Foxy looked down, and Bon-Bon knew not to say anything else relating to Freddy. "Nevermind. Sorry I haven't been able to visit you often. We've been so busy with these new animatronics!" Foxy chuckled softly and rustled Bon-Bon's hair. "I understand lad. No need to be sorry." Bon-Bon giggled and head Mangle call his name. "Crap. He must of lost his eye again. Sorry Foxy!" Bon-Bon kissed Foxy's cheek before running to Kids Cove to help his mangled pirate friend. Foxy nodded his head and left back to the Parts and Service" room.

ToyFreddy's POV-

Fredsie sat on the stage, thinking about the new animatronics, Bonnie, and Freddy. Mainly Freddy. He never thought he'd see Freddy in coma because he tried to commit suicide. He got up and walked to the "Parts and Service" room and opened the door. He saw Freddy laying on the table, his eyes still dull. He walked over to the unconscious bear and held onto his hand. "You poor thing..." He knew that he and Freddy never really got along, but that doesn't mean that he didn't care for him. "You never deserved this." He growled softly thinking about that stupid fox. His blood boiled thinking about all the things Foxy did to Freddy. He looked up at Freddy, who's dull, ice blue eyes wouldn't fade back into that bright blue. He hugged the younger male and stroked his hair. "I wish I could help you Freddy..." He let go of the bear and shook his head sadly. He walked away from the bear and opened the door, only to see the animatronic he now hated; Foxy. He hissed at the fox and away. He walked into the Storage room, where his older brother, Golden Freddy was."Hey Goldi." Golden looked up from a picture and smiled softly, motioning for his brother to come over. Golden hugged Fredsie and softly stroked his hair. "How have you been?" Fredsie sighed softly and looked away from Golden, who looked so much like the bear that was currently in a coma. " Not so well... " Golden let go of Fredsie, concern filled his white pupils. "Why? Did something happen?" Fredsie nodded his head. "F-Freddy's in a coma... " Golden looked at the bear, a shocked expression on his face. "Why?! Is he okay?!" Knowing that Freddy was the youngest of the bears, Golden was very worried. Fredsie sighed again and explained the situation to his older brother. When he finished explaining, Golden was enraged. He patted Golden's shoulder and smiled, soothing the bears rage. Golden looked down, his hands covered his eyes as he groaned. "I knew it.. I should've never let him out of my sight! I could've prevented this!!!" Fredsie rubbed Golden's back. "It's not your fault Golden. You knew you couldn't control him." Golden looked up at the younger male, tears filled his black, lifeless eyes. " I should've never let him meet Foxy... or even have romantic feelings! This is all my fault!!!!" Golden screeched as black tears streamed down his pale face. "Goldi! It's not your fau-" "ENOUGH!!!!" Golden and Fredsie looked at the door, and saw The Marionette. "I'm tired of you two. It's no ones fault. Freddy had a choice and he chose death. That was his decision. Everything is off now that Freddy's in a coma. I'm already having a hard time trying to keep the sanity and peace. END OF THIS CONVERSATION. Now go back to the stage Fredsie. The kids will be here in a few minutes. As for you Golden, come with me. I found him." Golden's ears perked up as he started to smile. He hugged his little brother and left with The Marionette to a different room that only they were aloud in. Fredsie walked back to the Stage and picked up his microphone. 'Oh great.' He thought to himself while adjusting his microphone settings. 'Another day of hell.'

( OH MY GOD I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO UPDATE THIS!!!!! I had writer's block and I'm still going through artists block. *siiiigh* So, have some suspense! Things will not be getting any better. The will only be getting worse. Okay, so I've gotten a few questions on what age my characters are or how tall they are. I will be creating a separate book for that! You may ask me what you want to know about my character AU's just by simpling sending me a message! I finally added in Golden Freddy! Yaaayy!!! Okay. I will be adding in all the other animatronics as well as the shadow animatronics. Stay awesome guys! BAI!!~)

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