Chapter 11

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Foxy's POV-

Foxy sat in the parts and service room. He couldn't get his mind off of Bon-Bon. "Yaaaar.." He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a long sigh. "What's wrong Foxy?" Freddy lifted his head up from Foxy's chest. Foxy saw no reason to lie. "Well.. ever since I meet Bonnie's counterpart... I can't stop thinking about him." Freddy's eyes narrowed. "So.. you like him?" Foxy's face lit up a bright red. "NAY! H-he be too sweet for a pirate like me!" Freddy raised his eyes brow as he pulled away from Foxy's warmth. "You're really bad at lying Foxy." Foxy looked down, hanging his head in shame. "Aye... I-I know lad... It's just... w-we could never be together! I-I don't even if he likes me..." Foxy whimpered softly, his eye glued on the floor. Freddy hugged Foxy. Even though he loved him with all his heart, he just wants for him to be happy.

"Foxy, if you're confused, ask him."

"But lad! I-I know how ye feel about me..." Foxy pulled away from the hug, watching Freddy's cheeks grow red.

"U-umm... I-I think of you as a great friend and m-my captain. N-nothing else." Freddy quickly stood up, wanting to get away from the pirate as quickly as possible.

"Freddy... " Foxy stood up as well and grabbed his wrist. "What do ye want me to do? I can't return yer love.... but I don't want to break ye heart either.

Freddy sighed softly, tears filling up his eyes. "It's too late for that Foxy. Just go to the person you actually love. And I know you don't love me." Freddy kept his head turned away from the fox, not wanting him to see his tears.

Foxy stared at Freddy. "Fr-Freddy..." He looked away from Freddy and let go of his wrist. "I'm sorry lad..." Foxy turned around and walked away.

(TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! This chapter is dedicated to Gaiatiful! One, because their an AMAZING writer! And two, because THEY LOVE FREXY!!! WHOOO!!!! Your seriously amazing and I hope you continue writing your Frexy story and any new storys! Go follow them and check out their story! Stay awesome! BAI!~)

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