Chapter 34- Everything's normal now... right?

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It had taken Freddy about an hour to explain everything to his friends, including his nightmares. "So... ye've been havin' nightmares about these... messed up versions of us?" Fpxy asks, still confused about the whole situation. Freddy nods his head. "Yeah... I mean, i-it was just you that was messed up. Well, you're the only one that I saw..." Freddy shivers and hugs himself. "Well then. WHO WANTS PIZZA?!" Chica screeches. The three remaining males nod their heads and off she went to the kitchen. Bonnie begins to worry about if she would be able make pizza with her little stubs and quickly runs after her, leaving Freddy and Foxy alone. Freddy's eyes are darting across the room, looking at everything other then Foxy. Foxy takes in a deep breath and pulls Freddy in a hug. "I-I'm so sorry lad... I have no idea what came across me to think that I had the right to treat you like that and say those things when I've hurt you so many times already..." Foxy whimpers and tightens his grip around the bear, afraid that if he were to let go, he'd lose Freddy again. "Please don't leave me..." Foxy feels Freddy's arms wrap around him. "I'm not going anywhere Foxy. I just got back." Freddy breaks the hug and smiles. Foxy returns the smile, tears forming in his eyes. Freddy laughs gently and wipes away his tears. "No more tears, okay Foxy? I'm back and the kids are free. Go be with your boyfriend! I know you've been mourning over me." Freddy crosses his arms as Foxy chuckles nervously. "Ayyeee... are you sure you'll be alright?" Foxy asks, slightly concerned about the bear. "I'll be fine Foxy. Just go!" Freddy smile once again, and Foxy knows this ones sincere. Foxy nods his head, kisses Freddy's cheek, and quickly runs off to find his boyfriend. "Bon?" Foxy shouts while running down a long hallway. "Yeah?" A high pitched voice responds from 'Kids Cove.' Foxy runs and picks up Bon-Bon. "It's over dear!! Freddy's awake and the kids are free! Everythin's okay now!" Foxy nuzzles his nose against Bon-Bon's, causing the blue haired male to blush. Once processing the information, Bon-Bon squeals happily and hugs Foxy. "That's perfect!! I'm so happy everything's normal again!!~" Foxy smiles and pulls Bon-Bon in for a kiss. Bon-Bon gladly accepts the kiss, feeling Foxy's soft lips against his own. Both males part at the same time. Foxy smiles and rustles Bon-Bon's hair. "I haven't done that in a while now have I?" Bon-Bon blushes and lightly punches his shoulder. "S-shut up!" He begins pouting and Foxy laughs, accidentally waking the sleeping fox. "Huurnnnn..." Mangle grumbles, his version blurry. "Whoops!" Bon-Bon quickly runs over to Mangle and strokes his hair. "Sorry bout that Mangle! Foxy was just telling me about how Freddy woke up!" Mangle was definitely listening now. "HE WOKE UP?!" Bon-Bon covers his ears and nods his head. Mangle quickly stands up and runs out of the room, stumbling in the doorway as he does so. Once he was in front of the door to the 'Parts and Service' room, he slams open, only to see Fredsie looking around of something. Maybe even someone. Mangle clears his throat, getting Fredsie to look at him. "Oh! Hey Mangle! Have you seen Freddy? I was told he woke up." Fredsie looks at Mangle with eager eyes, waiting for his answer. "No... I haven't. Why are ye here? Last time I checked ye hated Freddy." Mangle growls. Fredsie looks down, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. "I-I know I did at first, but I just... I-I had a change of heart." Fredsie's eyes trail down to his feet as he sheepishly rubs his arm. Jealously boils in Mangle's blood as he glares at the older bear in front of him. He takes a deep breath before responding. "It's good to hear that Freddy doesn't have anyone else hating on him!" Mangle smiles, clutching his teeth. Fredsie nods his head, the blush fading from his cheeks. "Guys?" A soft voice speaks from behind the two males. They quickly turn around and see Freddy standing in the doorway, a confused look on his pale face. Fredsie and Mangle look at each other before tackling the chocolate brown bear. "Oh me gosh!!!!! I missed ye so much lad!!" Mangle hugs Freddy tightly and kisses his cheek, causing Fredsie's to glare at him. Fredsie's wraps his arms around Freddy's waist and kisses his other cheek. Freddy is blushing madly as Fredsie and Mangle glare daggers at each other.
Chica and Chici watch as the taller males silently fight over the flustered bear. Chici giggles and holds Chica's hand. Chica blushes slightly and intertwines their fingers. "That's so cute." Chici whispers softly to her dismantled girlfriend. "It really is. Makes me wonder who's gonna win Freddy!" Chica and Chici exchange smug grins. "My money's on Fredsie!!" Chici shouts. "Mines on Mangle!" The two females both looks at each other for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. "We don't even have money." Chici and Chica gasp and look up, their eyes meeting with Golden's. "Heeyyyy there girl! How's it been with you and SpringButt?" Golden narrows his eyes. "Girl? You know very I am a man and if you are not convinced, I'll gladly show you." Chica shrugs. "I've seen many dicks in my life, including yours." Chici looks at Chica, confusion filling her oceanic eyes. "You've seen his dick?" Chica nods her head. "Yup! I happen to walk in on him and SpringButt having sex often!" Chici nods her head, now understanding what she meant. Golden rolls his eyes and hugs Springtrap around his waist. Springtrap blushes and laughs out of embarrassment. "W-we dO teNd to GeT a LittLe tOucHy.." Springtrap admits embarrassingly. Golden chuckles and licks Springtrap's neck. "You got that right sugar bun~" Springtrap blushes more as the two chickens fangirl.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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