Chapter 3

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 ToyBonnie's POV-

Bon-Bon woke up in his room, only to hear a knock on his door. "Oy! Were opening in 5 minutes! Get your bum on the stage Bonsie!" Mangle continues knocking on the door until Bon-Bon finally slammed the door open. "I know! I know!" Shesh." Bon-Bon walked out. "Oi. Are ye okay?" Mangle softly touched Bon-Bon cheek. "Huh? I'm fine! Why do you ask?" Bon-Bon tilted his head in confusion.

"Well... ye eyes are puffy." Mangle pulled Bon-Bon into a hug. "There's no need to lie if you're hurting on the inside."

"Well. I-it's just that... o-one of the old animatronics y-yelled at me... h-he said I did this. Th-that it's m-my fault they're like this..." Bon-Bon started to cry softly into Mangle's chest.

"Do ye know the name of the animatronic?" Mangle rubbed Bon-Bon's back softly.

"P-Pirate Foxy."

Mangle was shocked. "Y-ye mean him?!"

Bon-Bon softly nodded his head.

Mangle kissed Bon-Bon's forehead. "I'll talk to him later, okay Bonsie? For now, just go to the stage."Bon-Bon nods his head and walks onto the stage. "Hey Bon!" Chici waves at Bon-Bon. Bon-Bon smiled. "Hey Chici!" "My throat is NOT ready for another day of rape." Chici hang her head low as she adjusted her microphone. "Nor are my fingers." Bon-Bon slightly strummed the strings of his guitar.

A few minutes the kids came pouring in and the show had started.

(UUUGGGHH!!!! I'm sooooo sorry this chapter is so short!!!! I promise to make more updates!!!! I'v been so busy with school and such! I'm so sorry! But, I want to say a special thanks to all of my fans and those who have been so supportive! Thank you all!!! :3)

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