We got into a fight

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The house is pretty good it has a living room with one bedroom and a small kitchen and bathroom it's like my old house but little more pretty and furnished and quite big the bedroom is upstairs there's a big window right in front of the bed and the view is pretty good I can spot jungkook's house from here
I unpacked all my stuff and changed into baggy pants and black top along with yellow beret I decided to go to grocery store to buy some vegetables and groceries for dinner
I'm very thankful to google maps, translator which played a great role in reaching the shopping mall
Even tho I used google translator to translate my sentence it was so hard to pronounce it in the same way so I showed him the phone on which the sentence was written in a Korean language I guess I should join Korean class
I finally reached a shopping mall i took the cart and moved into a grocery shop I walked in lane where vegetables were kept I took cabbage potatoes tomatoes and etc vegetables I was looking for rice but here are different kinds of rice packs small big some are brown rice and even black I haven't seen this type of rice before
I got a bit confused so I looked around to see if someone could help me there was a salesman he was wearing a T-shirt with shops name written on it so I assume he could help me but damn I don't know Korean so I quickly googled it
"Excuse me!" I shouted loud enough so he could hear me
He quickly approached towards me I'm definitely not a pervert but every other guy I met here is so handsome it's because they have such a great skin I'm not fair but I have a dusky skin tone and I quite like my skin colour
He is of my age, he have black hair and is  talller than me
"Yes?" He said smiling at me
I don't know what to say ahead so I quickly showed him my phone for a second he looked at me confusingly but he took my phone and he laughed literally he laughed
Now I feel like I made a fool out of myself
"You need white steamed rice" he says after he was done laughing at me
But guess what he can speak English
"Wow you can speak English"
"Yes sorry for laughing at you" he said
"A apology for something which you are still doing" I say because he is still laughing at me
"I'm sorry, that's a quite unique and smart way to communicate in Korean"
"I'm new here! And not everyone here speak English so I had to use translator"
He smiled at me and handed over me a packet of rice that I was looking for
"Here! Anything else?"
"No that's it thank you"
We move to the counter for payment he told the staff lady that he'll take over the counter now
I put my stuff on the desk and he scans them one by one
"So you are new here?" He says
"Yes I moved here from New York but originally I'm from India"
"Woah Indian, I've never met one, it's nice to meet you.." he stops I get that he is trying to ask my name
"It's Ryna" I say glancing at the bags there are total four bags
How am I going to pick them with one hand I shouldn't have taken so much of things
"I'm lee" he said i didn't hear him because I was lost in my own misery
He waves his hand in front of my face and I looked at him
"Sorry, what?"
"I said my name is lee" he repeated
"Lee, this is my favourite shop now because you can speak English" I say smiling at him
"Yes no need of that google translator for shopping" he says
"Yes" I say rolling my eyes
"Do you need any help?"
"I don't know how am I going to pick all these by one hand" I say lifting my other hand
"I can help!" He says immediately he is really sweet
"No need!" I heard someone's voice from behind I turn back to see a guy standing behind me with black cap I can't see his face
"I'm sorry?" Lee said
He removed his cap
"You startled me!" I say looking at jungkook who was glancing at lee, putting back his cap again. What is he he doing here in public
"What are you doing here?" I ask him why on earth is he here? Because I can't see anything in his hands that means he isn't here to buy something
"I was passing by and I saw you walking into the shop" he said looking at me
"You came to help me?" I say looking into his eyes trying to search an answer to my question that he cares about me or he is concerned about me
Instead of answering my question he says "Let's get out"
"See you Ryna" Lee Greets me
"Goodbye Lee" I say smiling at him
"What are you now friends with him?" Jungkook asks me as he picks three shopping bags
"I can pick one" I say quickly picking up the last bag
"You didn't answered?"
"Nor did you!" He exhales sharply
"What are you now friends with him?" He asks again
"He was just helping me that's it"
"Flirting comes along with help in this store I assume"
"What! no! he wasn't flirting!" I retorted
"He was!" He retorted back, even tho he was wearing cap which was almost covering his face yet I can see hawking eyes trying to scare me.
"Stop your pretence" I said
He gives me a warning look
"What now are you gonna kill me?" I say
"You are already look like one"
"Don't forget you are the reason of this" I say looking at him
"You won't come to this shop again" he said getting in the car
"What makes you think I'll obey you" I said standing outside the car
"Because I'm your boss, and I come with a tag line obey me, now get in the car"
"I'm going to start from tomorrow, so today you are not my boss" I say rather than getting in the car I took my bag and started to walk away from him and his car
"Where are you going?" He shouted stepping out of the car
"I'm going back home, and you can keep my bags" I shouted back
After half and hour I got a cab successfully and it took another half n hour to reach back home
I paid the cab driver took my bag and pulled out the key from my bag
What am I gonna cook with just a cabbage and onion rice and all the other ingredients were in the bag which jae had going back to him is pushing myself in a valley
What a stressful day
I opened the door and moved in I hear the sound of tv on I remember turning it off the keys are with me and the windows are fine how can someone enter in my house
I took a vase from the table just to make sure I'm armed with something I was just about to say or hit him
"Took a long time explaining the address through google" he speaks
"What the hell, why do you always appear suddenly" I say looking at jungkook as he is seated on the couch and watching tv
"Here!" He gets up from the couch and points towards the kitchen table where the bags are kept
"Thank you" I say softly
"Sharp 8:00 Clk tomorrow" he says in a thick voice and moves out of the house
"Yes bossy boss" I say making face in a tuneless voice
"I'm standing right behind you" he says
I thought he already left I slowly turn around to face him not looking into his eyes
"I'll be there" I say in a tinny voice
"Good night" he says and finally move out of the house
I lay on my sofa "what a bad day!" I repeat to myself

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