They are great dancers

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They arrive almost 30 minutes late then the appointed time they greet everyone in the studio and go through the music once I sit in the corner seat and once again go through tomorrow's schedule there's a party to be attended it's more like a function I guess I assume the members are the only one who has to be present not me so , I'm gonna have a day off I relax back in my chair but when I see jungkook walking towards me I quickly sit back again with a brooding expression.
He sits next to me and render me a box, I look at him with a perplexed expression. I recurrent it back to him now, he is looking at me with a confused expression
"It's a burger. Eat" he says giving it back to me, with the mention of burger in the box I look at it, famished written all over my face but the thought why would he bring a burger for me albeit i didn't even ask him to bring one for me
"For me?" Is all I could select from the number of questions running in my mind, although I know how stupid I sound because I'm the only person he is sitting next to
"Yes" He looks at me after reading the expression which says I'm not satisfied with your answer can you give me further explanation he continues "You came so early and now it's almost 11 past quarter so I brought it for you" his eyes glued to the glass window inside where the other members are listening to the song as he speaks with a low voice
"Thank you this is really thoughtful of yours" I say opening the box slowly. It's a veggie burger, I feel strange that he knows I'm a vegan I remember mentioning it to him before in the hotel room
"We are mostly tardy and I apologise" he says in a charming voice
"There's nothing to apologise about, we are humans after all" I say stuffing the burger in my mouth I don't know he even understood what I said with a mouth full of burger
"Why do you eat so fast?" He asks suddenly looking at me with fierce eyes. I cover my mouth with my hand so that I'll look less ugly
"Because I'm always hungry everytime you see me eating like this" the memory of me eating pizza so quickly when he first met me pops in my mind and so does his
His expression gets softer but he look away
"Why aren't you singing?" I ask him because he didn't even went inside to sing with them
"They are singing the first verse" I just nod not aware is that even the answer for my question
"Here" he puts a water bottle right in front of my face as he gets up from his seat these are his tactics to annoy me and it always work
I know he was just offering me water but after finishing up my burger I kept searching for water I even asked him after few minutes of my search and not found game. He brings out a water bottle suddenly
"Didn't knew you are magician too" I say as I snatch the bottle from his grip
"I'm not less than Harry Potter, with my invisible wand"
"More like a Tom riddle" I say under my breath
"What did you say?" I guess he almost heard me I can tell by his not so confusing face more like repeat it again loud
"Let me assume, you are slytherin" I say trying to change the subject
"I'm a gryffindor" he says as he pull up his jacket just to show his pride
"Woah same house" I say
And finally Jimin motions from inside the room to jungkook and in a blink of eye he is inside the recording room with other boys with his headset on. I sometimes doubt he is a vampire the way he looks cold blooded but, hot. I won't be surprised if he sparkles in sun or would kill me one day with his fangs
After few hours the recording gets completed they all sound great together and whenever they are singing I could see them turning into a total different personality like they not only enjoy it but they embrace it.
We move out of the studio they all walk towards their car as they go back to the house for lunch jungkook and taehyung are standing outside a black car and Jimim and jin are in front of another car which is white in colour. Well my car isn't Porsche as theirs, mine is a SUV of black colour before getting in the car I remind jin as he was the nearest to my reach that in evening there's a dance rehearsal. I see jungkook from the corner of my eye looking over at us while I'm talking with Jin I smile at him after informing jin but he doesn't even care to smile at me and gets in the car. It's really difficult to understand him.
I couldn't even blink my eye I was standing in front of the whole group along with some back dancers while they were rehearsing the dance, I bet people who passed by must've thought I'm a mannequin the way I was staring at them. They danced so well I was wondering what they drink for that next level energy. After an hour the dance rehearsal was over.
The dance studio was by the walking distance to the house so we decided not to take a car. The walk towards the house from studio at start was silent until jin came on my side

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