The first day being a manager

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Another morning I get ready by 7 because I really don't want to be late on first day.
At night I went through the email instructions and all the recent schedule and further I need to arrange their interviews practices parties etc according to their schedule I'll be the one to inform them what they are going to do in respective this is going to be tough in the beginning but I'm pretty sure I can manage them and their work
By 7:45 I reach their house I quickly go through today's schedule we need to reach studio for a song recording and in the evening a dance practice great and in between I need to arrange their lunch too well there was already a list what they like to order but I'll still ask them in case if they want to eat something else
Why would he want me to be here by 8 clk they don't sleep a what? never mind I need to follow his orders the whole house is silent
No one is awake yet, what am I suppose to do
I see the same women that I met yesterday I call her to ask is everyone awake or not
"No darling they are all asleep they usually wake up by 9:00" she says and leaves me standing alone in the living area
"What ? after an hour!" I say in exaggeration
Should I go back and come by 9, but he told me to come by 8 and what if I went and he is awake and not seeing me here he'll go mad at me On first day on job
"Ugh.." I sit back on the sofa and wait till everyone is awake
I don't know how I fell asleep there while waiting for them
After some time he comes downstairs while I was still asleep he comes near looking at me sleep he should be mad at me but he slightly pushed my hair from face back and I felt his fingertips on my face and I slightly opened my eyes and the thought that I fell asleep while sitting here gets into my head and I bring my head up quickly and I bumped my head into his
"Ouch!" I say rubbing my forehead
I look up to see him rubbing his forehead too i quickly stand up in fear that he'll scold me now for sleeping on his sofa
"I'm so sorry I was here by 8 I asked the lady if you are awake but she said you guys don't wake up so early so I thought of waiting here but I don't know how" I kept speaking in the between he shouted "Stop" I look with wide opened eyes at him
"I get it, now come let's have breakfast" he says and starts walking towards the dinning table near I silently followed him
"Hey Ryna! Come have a seat" jin says smiling at me
"Good morning mr seok"I say and take a seat next to him
"What are we suppose to do today?" Jimin asks me
"Today you guys have to go to studio for recording and in the evening to a dance studio for practice" I replied to him
"Where is tim?" Jungkook asks to the other members
"He's taking a bath he'll be here in few minutes" jin replied
I'm quite surprised looking at the breakfast only thing I'm familiar with on the table in coffee other than that I don't know what they are having
"Why are you not eating?" Jin asks me
"I already had my breakfast you guys carry on" I say getting up from the seat
"Where are you going?" Jungkook ask me
"I'm making a call to the studio to make sure they have everything ready"
He nods his head and continues his breakfast
I made a call and ask the guy if everything is ready or not I told him we'll be there in an hour he told me to come and check before the members
I move back to the dinning hall to inform them to be ready in half an hour I see a new guy on the table I assume he is Tae whom jin mentioned before
He has a same skin colour like others with black hair but they are wavy he is slim and tall but not skinny even he is handsome like others. These guys are turning me into a perv with their dashing looks
"Ryna He is Taehyung" Jimin introduces me to him
"Hello" I say to him with a bow
"Nice to meet you" He says in a low voice
"After the breakfast please get ready we need to reach there in an hour, so get ready quickly"
"Okay" they say altogether
Jimin is the first to get up from the table and moves upstairs
"I'll leave then" I say to jungkook
"Where are you going?" He says
"To the studio to check if everything is ready or not!"
"You are coming with me" He says I look at him shockingly and so does others
"I mean with us!" He corrects himself after realising how exactly he sounded like
"No i have to go and check by myself and my hand is getting better so I can drive" I assure him by lifting my hand which no more is tied with band
I quickly pick up the files and my phone which is ringing and start walking out
"And please get ready quickly" I turn back to look at jae because he takes long bath and he understood what I'm actually trying to say and nods in embarrassment
I get in the car and type my location on the naver maps
I should thank technology every minute in my day and most importantly to gps because of it, I can survive in country where I can't even understand or speak their native language
The studio is quite big. I have never seen such studios in real, I mean I have seen it on TV, movies, series, before but haven't been in one. In real things look different from perspective it seems more unreal this is what I feel everytime I see jae and all the boys they seem so unreal as if a Holo is walking around looking so unbelievably beautiful. It's interior is grey and white in colour it's a thirteen floor bldg and the recording studio is on 2nd floor
After half an hour of adjustments and hundreds of calls to me from the head with one question how long will it take for them to arrive?

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