I got a dress

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"So Ryna, Do you like your new job?"
"If I say I love it will you reduce my salary" I say laughing to him
"Well we can keep you longer"
"What are you both laughing at?" Jungkook comes in between us well we were already walking quite apart later the between space was occupied by jae
"Nothing" Jin says quickly
"Just Nothing?" He looks at me with inspecting eyes
"He was just asking if I like my job or not!" I say looking down on my feet
"Do you?" He says with a sudden change of voice from I'm a cannibal to I'm a sweetheart, I look up to confirm what just happened is it just his voice or expressions too
"She loves it" Jin answers on behalf of me as I ran speechless by looking into his eyes
"So Ryna you are coming with us too right?" I hear Jin's voice which breaks the walls of my world with not so prince but definitely charming as I come rolling down to the reality
"I'm sorry, where?" I ask him not knowing where exactly I'm going with them
"To the party!" Jin says which reminds of the tomorrows schedule which includes party too
"Am I required?" I ask just in case to hear a "no" or "not" really would work
'Yes you have to be there a lot of our other members too attend that" jungkook says and my having a day off dream ends not because I'm tired or don't like the job but I just wanted to visit famous places here but that day is not tomorrow

"What am I suppose to wear" the thought creeps into my mind in the middle of the night I should've asked them what if everyone is wearing formals and I just go there in skinny jeans and top I'll look stupid. I go through all my clothes in my mind I try to remember if there's any good dress which I can wear but there isn't. I just hope they'll feel pity on me and let me go to shopping atleast to get a good dress
In the morning I get out of my bed and opened my closet to see by some miracle overnight my god mother would've put a dress in my cupboard for this poor Cinderella who is going to attend the ball but with no good dress. But these are just fairy tales not reality there was no dress in my closet, but my story is different from Cinderella there isn't no magic but definitely a dress
As I move downstairs for cooking some breakfast I hear my doorbell ring. I open the door to see sishun my asst standing on the door, I smile at him wondering why is he here
"Mr jungkook sent this for you!" He gives me a white and pink rectangular box
"Thank you sishun" I say to him after he walks away I close the door and open the box curiously
There was not only a dress but also a letter, this is the second time he has sent me a small note and thousands of times he has helped me, I don't know how to owe him back this whole thing lands back to one question does he care about me? Or he treats all his employees the same? Maybe he does!
I'm glad they are all awake because the house isn't as quiet as it was the first day I came. I tell the man who has clothes of boys for today's event to wait here after bring other clothes out of the car. I move towards the dining table. All of them are having breakfast. Jimin is the first to notice me
"Good morning Ryna" he greets me as soon as he speaks jumgkook notices me too and I already had my eyes on him I smiled at him
"Good morning"
"Do we have to do anything for today rather than attending a party?" Jin asks me
"No I just came to tell you the clothes are here you guys can choose whatever you want"
"Okay we'll be there in a minute" jungkook says as he drinks his juice
"Okay" I nod my head and move back where the clothes racks are placed
Looking at the racks I Wonder this is how they choose their clothes there are piles of suits hanging on them, and all are way too awesome I touch few suits the material is so soft under my finger tips there are total four racks with each of their names written on it
The first rack is of jungkook's clothes I don't know how many suits are hanging there but one suit catches my attention it's black in colour the material is silk with a black shirt in it the coat is different then others the shades of black used in border is different I can imagine him wearing this I close my eyes as I picture him inside my head
"Do you like it?" His voice whispering in ears I nod my head in agreement but wait I was just picturing him not talking with him
I turn back to see him standing in front of me with a small smirk on his lips as his hands are crossed on his chest
I quickly put my hands away from the clothes and starts to pretend that I'm adjusting the clothes
"Here, you can choose whatever you want" I say in a fumbled voice
'No need to, I know what I want!' He says in a playful voice still smiling at me.
I like him better when he doesn't smile because when he does it's hard to not stare at him
"The dress is very beautiful, thank you"
"No problem, I'm happy that you liked it" he says
Before I could say something more I see other boys coming towards us, I turn my attention to them and so does jungkook
"Woahh..Didn't they sent too much of options this time" Jimin says shockingly looking at the racks filled with different tuxedos suits in various styles and colours as he goes through all of them one by one
"Ryna can you help me?" I hear jin's voice
"Yes?" I move towards him he is holding two suits one white and other black
"In which one I will look good" he says holding both the suits higher right in front of my eyes
"Good is an underrated word for you don't you think" I say smiling at him as I look carefully to both the suits
He laughs on my reply "You'll look amazing in both but I think in white you'll look way too handsome" I say assuring him
"And with a black tie" he quickly puts the black suit back in the rack "You can be my personal stylist you know?"
"I'm at your service always" I say bowing to him. He has a great personality and actually he is easy to talk.
After half n hour discussion they all choose their outfits Jimin decides to wear white colour suit and Tim choose a black suit
I can actually picture them wearing it they all will definitely do justice to the outfits, I can sense déjà Vu if girls drooling over them "So please be ready by 7" I say to all of them
"Okay" Jimin says with a salute
"At what time will you be there?" Jumgkook Asks
"I'll be there before you guys" I say imagining the horror of being there alone with bunch of people whom I don't know
"Why can't you come with us?" He asks going through the clothes again
"Director wants me to be there by 6, I don't know why"
I really don't know why he wants me there, I have no idea about it I could hear his strong voice in my ears
"I want you to be there by 6, make sure you are on time" that's it he didn't even listened to my answer, after all he knows there no way of saying no to him
"I'll see you guys there, sishun will be with you guys when you'll reach there" I say and move out of the house

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