A date with a friend

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with a gleaming smile on his face, that made me smile. ". No you don't have to, what you guys have done for me is more than enough" I walk towards him but afraid that he might ask something that I won't be able to give. "Get in the car" he says holding out the door for me " What?? Why?" I say shockingly as he pushes me towards the door through my shoulders as I resist him "Any girl would be happy to get kidnapped by me, but I'm not kidnapping you ..." he turns me around to look at me I look at him confusion written on my face. He gestures his head towards the door hesitatingly I get in the car.
"Did you have your dinner?" He asks as he drives the car outside the parking area before I could answer him he speaks again " Oh right you were busy' he looks at me with his cute smile " I already brought a takeout" I turn around to see two bags in the back seat, I look at him again his lips gets twitched into a pleasing smile, even though he is the one who is sitting next to me but yet my heart keep pondering for someone who doesn't care, . I sometimes wonder how on earth I fell in love with jungkook. Why not Tae? He is kind, sweet, handsome and most of all he is so thoughtful and caring. Maybe that's what love is, you don't plan to fall for someone it just happens.
"Where are we going?" I ask him as he drove us to I don't know where " You'll see" that's all I get in return of my questions there is a problem with all these people they never answer me back or maybe it's me who asks stupid questions or answerless questions. After a few minutes drive tim stopped the car. He steps out of the car and move towards my side to open the door for me , I look around to see a unfinished bridge as the car is stopped few inches away from the half completed stoop, both the sides of the bridge is covered from long trees it's a unfinished highway. " You see this bridge" I hear tim from behind as he speaks suddenly " it doesn't need its other half to stand strong" I look at him as he continues to say "Unfinished things are beautiful" he finally looks at me " What are your thoughts ms Ryna" after looking at it after listening to him speak his thoughts mine are different " But still It will need its other half to reach somewhere and to be called completed" I move my head to look at him he is taller than me "And Unfinished things are not beautiful to everyone's eyes just to the one who are unfinished like them" I say smiling at him for few seconds he doesn't say anything he keeps looking at me my smile slowly fades away when his lips slowly twitch into a smirk " Do you like the place?" He says " Indeed I do" i say looking at the whole scenario as far as my gaze can travel, it's really mesmerising the whole sky filled with stars makes it more beautiful " If you are going to look at me better look at me while I'm eating, I'm really hungry" I sat on the car deck as he brought the food boxes from inside the car, "all I had was one meal today if I starved for more one minute I'll surely pass away" even by hearing my voice anyone can tell that I'm on the urge of passing out. He placed the boxes in between us I grabbed the box the one that had noodles in it "Food smells tastier when one is hungry" i slowly take in the smell of it it's still hot " it's tastes better when one is hungry" he passes me a fork as he grabs his chopsticks and noodles as I slurp it continuously until I could feel my stomach getting it senses back, I stop after a while I open my eyes to see the box is almost finished, I look at Tae who is watching me with eyes wide open and noodles hanging out from his mouth " it's okay I brought enough food" he says and we burst into laughter.
How can I forget to bring my car back, after tae picked me I totally forgot that I have a car and I don't speak proper Korean, I slap my head as I stand in front of my house looking for a cab, moreover whole day I have to deal with jungkook a devil itself and the way my day has began I can tell this isn't one of a good day. "Speak of the devil and the devil appears" I mutter to myself when I see jungkook's car approaching towards my way, unaware of what I should do run, hide I walk back & forth on the same place, I was about to get inside my house, is when I heard his voice my steps frozen on the ground as I stand as a statue " It's too late to hide Ms ryna" I slowly turn back to look at him with a forcing smile on my face "I wasn't hiding Mr Jeon, I just forgot something" I say in potent voice. He steps outside the car as he leans back with his arms crossed on his chest. It's really hard to ignore the fact that how hot and handsome he looks early in the morning in that fine white shirt and denim pants. Jesus Christ how on earth he can look so breathtaking. Hot things are quite dangerous, and indeed he was one of them. In the sudden moment of time he whispered in my ears " I think the thing you forgot is your car!" there was something different in his voice he wasn't pissed at me, he sounded like he is up to something. Oh my god is he spying on me or tae told him maybe he saw me with Tae . Why? God why? I mutter to myself looking up at the sky as if god is hearing me I can totally say he must be laughing at me. He snaps his finger in front of my face which shifted my attention from cursing god to praying for kindness from him. "Get in the car" he says his voice suddenly cold so without any further argument I sat in his car. None of us talked neither I wanted to.
After half n hour we reached the studio, I directed jungkook to the changing room as I continued my editing work which was left on the edge. The set was ready for the photoshoot after a while, I went to the changing room to check on jungkook if he is ready? As soon as I knocked on the door I heard him say "Come in" I entered the room " Is he ready?" I ask the make up artist she nods in confirmation because it's been more than an hour since he went to change , I came in to look for a file I left here yesterday while I was talking to Tae. I checked the cupboard and drawers without bothering jungkook as he is resting with his eyes closed, after all he must be tired staying in the same position for more than an hour. "Stop staring at me" he says suddenly I get up quickly "I wasn't staring at you I was looking for something" I say looking around the room and I finally spotted the file kept in the upper cabins, it's quite higher for me as I am short heighted I step on the stool, but all of a sudden someone tried to open the door and my stool was in the way, It shuddered by the opening of the door and I left balance as I was about to hit the ground but someone saved me I open my eyes to see that someone is none other than jungkook himself. As his hands are wrapped around my body his eyes fixated on mine. "Are you alright?" He ask me as he puts me back on my feet as he inspect my both hands and face with concerning eyes. "I'm extremely sorry" a crew boy I assume he is the one who opened the door apologised repeatedly, jungkook's attention turn to him "Don't you know you are suppose to knock before you enter" he says in his cold voice, the boy kept looking at the floor as he speaks again " I do sir, but the makeup artist told that you are resting so I didn't wanted to bother you, I'm extremely sorry Maam" jae opens his mouth again to say something but I shut him off "It's okay , I'm fine you don't have to apologise" I say smiling at him as he finally looks up at me. "You might have hurt your hand again" Jumgkook says as he looks at the boy again with his deadly eyes "Jungkook, I'm fine" I say as I wave my hand in front of him, I gesture the boy to leave the room.
"You scared the shit out of him" I say as I climb back on the chair to get the file. I look down at him as he said "isn't that your job" I carefully step down from the chair with the file " When did I do that?" I look at him carefully waiting for him to reply " Should I remind you about the night, when you ran away from me, or about last night when you went out with Tim?" I stood there as my emotions pent up as his words repeat in my head like an echo.

His cold heart warms mine Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя