Beauty and the beast

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To the one with whom jumgkook is talking to is very beautiful her black long hair are of same length as mine she is wearing a white gown they both look like a couple by the way they are dressed. My eyes are glued to jungkook and suddenly he looks at me and gets up from his seat and walk towards mine. I move my gaze to the women on the stage trying to act like I didn't see him walking towards me
"Get up" I hear him say as he stands right next to me
"What! Why?" I look up to see him
"You are not sitting here!" He says in a bossy voice
"Yes I am because, I'm told to sit here" I say looking back the stage
He pulls me up by lifting my hand
"What are you doing jungkook , where am I gonna sit?" I say trying to talk calmly aware of lots of people looking at us, as I stand he let go my hand and puts it on my waist
"With me" He says making me walk to his table
The girl with whom he was talking to gets up from the seat and moves towards the seat where I was seated, she makes a grimace expression looking at me when we face eachother but smiles at jungkook , he does influence girls in a whole different way.
"Now sit" He says pushing me down on the seat, jin turns back to look at me
"Ryna I was wondering where were you!"
"Now I'm here"
He sits next to me, sitting close to him I could feel my cheeks turning red, my heart beating fast again, my lips turning into a smile. Now I wish this night never ends
After half n hour, all of the people including us moved towards the dining hall, it's a vast hall with musicians playing slow classical music along with waiters serving drinks and dishes.
We all take seat to the table at the corner it's a round table the waiter brings drinks to us, a champagne won't hurt after all I'm already drunk in splendour of jungkook. Everytime his leg accidentally touched mine, I felt a whole group of butterflies not just in my stomach but all over my body. We all take each glass of champagne.
The slow music drags everyone swaying with each other, and I see a familiar face coming towards us. I recognised her by the face she made again looking at me. This girl has a whole different level of duality the way her expressions changes every time she looks at jungkook. I caught her looking several times during the show.
" jungkook would you mind to join me on the dance floor?" She asks gracefully and by that I mean putting her hand on the table leaning closer to him. I almost choked on my drink when she tried to talk in seductive voice.
"I don't really feel like dancing" jungkook says hesitatingly
"Oh come on it's not everyday we crash in the same party" she says playfully by holding jungkook's hand and trying to get him off his seat
Seeing her holding his hand, my eyes almost popped out with a sticker on my face saying "what the hell" along with an expression. He looks at me and just like a flash I look away.
I gulp down my champagne in one shot after looking them holding eachother as they dance slowly. Why on earth they have to dance in front of my eyes.
"Ryna would you like to eat something?" Jin asks
"I should be the one to ask you this" realising I should go and get their food, I quickly get up from my seat
"What should I get for you?" I ask
"You are not our assistant, and we like to get our food by own" he says pushing me back to my seat
"So enjoy the night" he says as he and Jimin leaves to get themselves something to eat
I realise it's just taehyung and me on the table, he is the least member I have interacted with, but I like his calm nature
"Would you like to dance?" For once I thought It wasn't taehyung who said this for confirmation I asked him
"Pardon me?" I said
"Do you want to dance" he asked not looking into my eyes
"Sure!" I said in a cheerful voice, which caught his attention as he looked at me smilingly
I have never seen him smiling atleast not to me
He takes my hand and move towards the dance floor filled with people dancing and leaning into eachother, I see jumgkook laughing about something as he is dancing with the queen of duality.
Tae places his hand on my waist smoothly feeling like a light feather on my skin, as I place my right hand on his shoulder and other hand locked with his.
He laughs after I places my hand on his shoulder, his white teeth shinning on his face makes him look more attractive
"What? Am I doing it wrong?"
"You really weren't excited about this party, were you?" He asks as we move slowly along with the music
"And why would you say that?" I ask not knowing how did he knew that
"By the colour of your nail paint" he says peeping on my nails from the corner of his eyes. I look at them I'm wearing a pink colour nail paint which is ruined
"What? How" I say now laughing at him
"Okay look around you, do you see those girls dressed from top to bottom with same colour of heels, bracelet and nail paint too"
"Yeah I can see that" I say still not getting what he is trying to say
"It's because they planned it way before this party was announced or you can say they were more excited then the host of this party unlike you"
"Who doesn't care if the nail colour matches the dress or not" he says raising his eyebrow
"Woah, Sherlock I always knew you would be the silent killer"
"So you were not excited right!" He asks again
"Yes I wasn't, this is all new to me I'm just a middle class girl who has never been on such parties before so I was nervous"
"I don't like parties either" he says
"Me too"
"But I like your company, you make it less boring with your no colour sense" he says laughing at me again
He is actually funny, apart from his shy, introvert nature. We kept on judging and assuming people around us what they must be thinking and bursting into laughter.
"Taehyung can I dance with you?" I hear someone speaking from behind Tae's back
We turn back to see a girl with a short brown hair in a purple dress looking at Tae continuously
" I'm already dancing with her" her expressions slowly fades away
"Maybe she is a better dancer than me" I say in a low voice as I leave his hold, and the girl happily taking my place, I can tell he is cursing me for this
I look at the place where I saw jungkook last time he isn't there
"Are you looking for me?" His warm breath on my ears turns me cold
"Why would I look for you?" I say still not turning back
"You already know the answer don't you " He says in a deep playful voice
"Did your Cinderella broke her glass heels or you didn't danced well" I say finally looking at him
"Why don't you find out?" As soon as his words leaves his mouth before I could process the whole thing, his hand were already wrapped around me and our fingers locked with eachother.
He pulls me closer our faces a little apart he is taller than me my forehead reaches his nose I could feel his breath on my forehead
"I bet she is going to kill me with her heels for dancing with her partner"
"Who said she's my partner!"
"So she isn't your Cinderella but you are definitely her Prince Charming"
"I prefer beauty and the beast, someone who loves me despite my flaws"
"This beast doesn't have flaws" I say looking at him
"But you are definitely beauty" I couldn't stop blushing after this
Sometimes you don't understand what made you fall in love with someone, maybe it's just the way they take you to the place where no else can, makes you feel in the way you've never felt before
"Thanks for the dress it's really very beautiful "
"You make it more beautiful " he says turning me round and round
"Good choice" I say as he spins me for the third time and drops me in his arms my hair touching the floor he sweeps me up
"Yours too" for a second I didn't get it but then I remembered he is talking about the suit he is wearing this was the suit I holding and imagining him in it
"You are not a bad dancer at all" he says as I dance along with him
"Well I'm glad you said that or you would be getting stamped by my heels" I say laughing at him
He gently wraps both his hands around my waist pulling me more closer, not knowing what am I suppose to do now
He takes my hands and place it on his chest"Here" He says
I lean into him putting my head on his shoulder as he rests his chin on my head
"Since the day I've met you, everytime we talked I've always thanked you about something from helping me, also for job, food and this dress too."
I look up to see into his eyes " Thank you isn't enough to sum up everything you've done for me I don't know how to repay all this to you"
He pulls me back like we were before and closes his eyes
"You don't have to do anything, just talk less"
I laugh on his little comment, and that was the moment when everything disappeared it was just him and me, even though we were dancing in a crowd but all I could see was him, feel was him. His strong arms around me felt like a warm blanket, it was just him and me and no one else and that was the moment when I realised he has a different place in my heart a place I never knew existed, where I never wanted to let anyone in but he was there now and it belongs to him now no matter what happen
As I was drowned in that moment with him the music stopped, like the clock strikes 12 and the magic ended
We stood apart but he was still holding my hand I look up to him with raised eyebrow, he doesn't let go my hand as I slowly try to get it out from his, the grip gets tighter
"I suppose there isn't going to be another dance round" I say to him as we stand near our table
"Yeah I know" he said
"So?" I say trying again to get my hand out of his hold
"In a hurry to leave me? Cinderella!" He says rubbing his thumb on my skin
"The magic has ended" I Point towards the Director who is coming towards us
He finally let go my hand, as director asks me to go meet the person who is in charge of the photo shoot,
"A group photo shoot has to be done go and look for the photographer and make sure the shoot goes well" he orders me and disappeared through the door he entered
I called sishun through my phone, I don't know where he was during the whole event
"Where are you?" I ask him
"I'm outside the hall!"
"What are you doing there? Anyways get inside now and look for the make up artist, there's a photoshoot to be done and when I'll call you bring all the members to the booth okay?"
"Yes, Yes I got it" he says ending the call

His cold heart warms mine Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora